..And The prince charming kissed Princess Alen in order to break the spell she was in for these hard years. Her sparkling eyes were locked with his brown eyes. Suddenly they heard a sound. They wondered what was it... it's kinda ringing of an'Alarm'?
W-ait what ??!!
Urgh !!!!!
Y/n streched her hand towards the night stand table and grab the alarm to throw away. it disturbs her beautiful dream fairy tail. Before she throw it away her phone vibrated. it's a notification. She looked at the time. It was 6 at the morning. More than enough time...
'Today gonna be a Exhausting day for me' thinking in a negative way she sighed and checked the phone. She's a Doctor at Seoul National University Hospital.
The notification is about the number of appointments she have got today. y/n shook her head and entered the bathroom while turning her hair to a pony tail. She took a fresh bath and went near her dressing room to wear her normal outfit.
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(Y/n's outfit. Actually if u not satisfied with my taste here u can choos e on ur own...🥰)
"Eomma !!" Y/n yelled from her room while putting some make up on her face but like everyday she forgets were she puts her foundation tube. Her mother is the one who clean y/n's bedroom when she goes to the hospital. "Yah! How many times i told you y/n, I always keep your stuff on your table ?"
Your POV:
I was applying some rose powder on my face and next step is to some foundation. But where is the tube? "Eomma!" i shouted at her from my room fortunately she heard what i said as this is huge mansion no one can hear what i saying from this room. Assume it's sound proof? "Yah! How many times i have told you y/n, I always keep your stuff on your table ?" My Eomma yelled back. how did she knows that i'm gonna ask that? It's because asking where are my missing stuff from eomma, has become a part of my morning routine.
And yeah, she was right! I shrugged my shoulders while humming a song and finished my make up quickly, curled the ends of my hair, and Done.
I took my hand bag and went downstairs to have my breakfast.
There was my dearest Aebojji reading a newspaper on couch. "Good Morning Aebojji !" i greeted Aebojji and he greeted me back saying "Good Morning Princess" I chuckled at him.
My both the parents are used to call me Princess cause I'm the only child in this huge mansion while my Donkey Brother is in Australia now, nearly for 2 months. He is their Prince! Bruh...