So...Yeah there are some things I wanna share with you all.
First, thank you thank you soo muchh for your support to this story and for your lovely comments which always motivates me. All my lovely readers, I love you ! 🥰❤
Second, I hope to finish this story with 10 or more chapters. I don't take it too long cause I have another story remaining to complete as well, so I'm completing this one within this month, and hope you all tag alone with me till the end...🤓
Third, I have changed the schedule of updating this story as once a week...It's fair right? Otherwise There isn't any mood of excitement of you all if I kept updating regularly like day by day. 🙂👌🏻
Forth, Short and Sweet, I have changed the book cover, made by myself! 😗Is it good?
Fifth, You haven't seen Tilly, I mean Jimin's Fiancé right? So here she is...👇🏻Even though I mentioned about a Fiancé of Jimin, I didn't dragged it on other chapters as I really really really forgot !!! Yes, The author itself forgetting of her own story.
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Lastly, That's all I have to share with you...Hope these facts are enough...So Bye! 🙂👍