𝕡𝕒𝕣𝕥𝟙: 𝕤𝕡𝕖𝕝𝕝 𝕓𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕕

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Late 12th Century Camelot

Little did most know Merlin had an apprentice a young boy with light brown hair and ice-blue eyes known as Nicholas. He wasn't the brightest but he did try and help Merlin a lot but this time wasn't one of them. Nicholas was tasked with cleaning up the office but of course, like any teen, he thought it was boring so to spice things up he cased a spell to clean for him. He grabbed his harmonica and began to play as the broom did his job for him. The sound filled the room like a symphony but this was soon interrupted.
"Nicholas!" The sound of Merlin's voice made the small boy flinch.
"What have we talked about?" Merlin inquired from the boy.
"'Magic isn't a permissible shortcut to hard work.'" Nicholas spoke with a little bit of fear in his voice. He did fear his teacher at times more than others.
"Carry on, and don't-." "But, Master!" "...' but, master' me." Nicholas had cut into Merlin's sentence just before he could finish. Merlin sighed pinching the bridge of his nose.
"I'm just- I know I'm capable of more than just pushing a broom. Teach me to become a proper sorcerer!" Nicholas begged with eyes full of wanting. Merlin stared down at the boy with an almost sympathetic look.
"If there is a universal truth in this world, it is that struggle is the flame which forged one's soul into steel. Magic cannot be a crutch." Merlin explained with a Stern voice. Nick rolled his eyes thinking of fire and ice.
"To take the easy way out is to merely exist, Nicholas" he turned away from his student walking over to a table.
"So, why am I learning spells if I'm not supposed to use them? I want to be a wizard, like you, with a staff and everything!" Nick looked around without moving his head. He never believed was his teacher said about these times of things to him it was all rubbish.
"Staffs are those with mastery over magic, and magic is mastery over life. So, first, you must learn how to live. Master that lesson, and I vow your days of pushing brooms will be over." Merlin put a hand on nick's shoulder with a slight smile this information made the boy smile himself with hope.

Nine Centuries Later...

"Blast it" Nicholas mumbled the once fun and carefree boy was now a cold teenager. His once light brown hair is now teal and shaved on the one side but grown out. He was sweeping as he did all those years ago. With a desperate gaze, he looks to his arm bracer magic runes carved into it.
"'Magic isn't a permissible shortcut to hard work.'" He repeated what his master told him and continued to sweep. Once finished nick left the small cafe where he had worked.
"'Night, Nyx! Thanks for cleaning up!" A coworker called as nick walked out
"Of course" he replied before actually leaving the cafe. He walked over to an alleyway where a black cat waited for him.
"Right. Time for the real work. You ready?" Nick looked over to the cat who just meowed. Taking that as a yes nick set up a trap for a specific monster the cat acting as bate. The lizard-like monster soon wandered into their trap without a problem. Activating the trap the monster was captured and ready for a life in limbo.
"Ths my cleanest capture yet!" Nicholas knelt to see the oddity better.
"Aren't you a nasty little beast? I figured an umber imp was the reason for all those lost pets." He chuckled standing back up. The black cat from before stood next to him also looking at the monster.
"That is not an umber imp. Do you notice the three mandibles? How it's phasing in and out of existence? That's a shadow mephit. And you should know your monsterology if you're going to use me as bait!" The cat hissed at his friend. Nick smiled and crossed his arms.
"Either way, let's take a sec to recognize that I've-we's done some very good magic tonight" Nicholas caught himself but wasn't even paying attention to the creature behind him.
"Nyx, old pal-." Archie backed up a little as Nicholas continue to talk.
"No, no, no, revel in the victory. We're unappreciated, Arch, silent sentinels keeping the world safe from specters and demons and-. It's out of the trap, isn't it?" Nick sighed turning around only to be met with the shadow mephit on the loose again.
"Come on arch!" He called as he began to run after the creature Archie Flying after him. Nicholas strolled through his magics on his bracer trying to find the perfect spell for the job.
"Gotcha!" He cased a rope-like spell that tide the monster down.
"Yes!" He fist-pumped the air in victory. Archie finally caught up to his friend with a sour look.
"Saucy midge. Your pet-munching days are over! Say "Hi" to everyone in limbo for me!" Nick called out as he cased the monster into limbo.
"Your capture technique is getting better," Archie said with a cat's smile.
"Strange. A lone shadow mephit snacking on pets. Where there's one, there's usually more." Nick nodded agreeing with his familiar. Nick wasn't that good with monsters but it was still strange, to say the least. Apart from the ground began to glow green as Merlin appeared in front of the two.
"Nicholas" he spoke makes the teal-haired boy jump.
"Merlin? Merlin? Yes! Finally, Arch! Our moment has arrived!" Nick jumped this time with excitement.
"Nicholas" Merlin repeated.
"Master Merlin" nick smiled his mind going crazy thinking of what his master needs him for.
"Nicholas, my faithful apprentice, I need-." "You're darn right I've been faithful! I've been mopping for a millennium! Why didn't you send a raven or a text? There's texting now, you know." Nick cut in as usual.
"I was busy as you know." Merlin continued but Nicholas wasn't having any of it.
"Yeah? Well, I've been quite busy, too, protecting the material plane while you weren't around." He hissed his excitement turning to anger. Merlin's expression softened.
"Nicholas, I need you-." "About time. I've been practicing my incantations and my spells-." "Enough! Matters are most dire! I need you to bring me the Guardians of Arcadia, with haste!" That was the last thing Merlin said before disappearing leaving a vary disappointed Nicholas.
"Oh, it's our moment all right, as errand boys." Archie chimed in with a pat on nicks shoulder as comfort.
"Sometimes I hate that guy" Nicholas voice lowers to a hiss.

𝕆𝕗 𝕚𝕔𝕖 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕥𝕙 (𝕎𝕚𝕫𝕖𝕣𝕕𝕤 𝕠𝕔 𝕤𝕨𝕒𝕡 𝕒𝕦)Where stories live. Discover now