Fearful Departure

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my star crossed lover
oh how I adore you
I'm a willing slave to your will
a place at your side forever
and a spot beside mine too

my star crossed lover
our love made of fabricated dreams
the stuff of legends
coated with a golden cover
unbreakable even at the seams

my star crossed friend
always dancing on the edge of my mind
a song I long to seek
a tune I never wish to end
not another like you I'll find

my star crossed friend
never could I let you go
I'll fight to hold your hand one last time
hell I will raise and heaven I will bend
even if I have to sink oh so low

my star crossed obsession
I'll travel far and wide
seeking what's rightfully mine
using whatever is in my possession
to cross the seas wherever you may hide

my star crossed obsession
you're the drug that flood my veins
a willing dosage
something to keep my attention
it's the only thing keeping me sane

my star crossed queen
without you my existence is mute
filled with emptiness and despair
what little that's left remains to be seen
a choice I cannot refute

my star crossed queen
my crowned kingdom is gone
crumbling to ashes
my life unworthy I've deemed
a bloody red heartbreaking dawn

my star crossed darling
please promise me you'll fight
raise your blade and scream a war cry
a painful death you shall bring
an end to their shining light

my star crossed darling
this time the end credits are rolling
it's a fearful departure
the last song I'll ever sing
one day together again, I'm forever hoping

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