Power struggle

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(Seth POV)

I stomped my way to the meeting room and I opened the door, seeing him sitting there across the room makes me wanna rip his spin out and stab it into his throat. I straighten up and entered.

"Horus what brings you here?" He stands from his seat, "I here to talk..." "Talk? Since when did you ever want to talk?" "I want to reason with you and stop this madness. Many mortal lives were lost and the balance of things are going off the scale. Please stop what you're doing and face the consequences." I raised my voice "Why should I?! You and all the other gods have done nothing but shun me out of almost everything unless you need something. I'm making my own kingdom to rule...without you or any other gods!!" "Seth!" "Silence! I don't care about your dribble any longer just get out of MY kingdom!" Horus said nothing but exit the room and flew to who knows where..."Ugh, that was a waste of time..." 

I exited the room making my way to the priest's room. Opening the door I see Y/N in nothing but a bathrobe "My my you look good in that robe.~" "AHH!" They turned around slowly shaking like a sheep without its coat, "I bet you'll look better naked.~" "Don't think stuff like that you pervert!!" "Who are you to give orders? Hm?" "I-I have my right!" I teleport behind them{if he doesn't teleport just pretend he does ;3;} I whispered in their ear..."Your life belongs to me and forever it shall be." I slide my hand up their thigh "I own everything....you mind...your soul...and your body.~" My hand makes its way to their ass and squeezes it "AAhh!!" They jumped away, "Hehe how cute.!" "H-h-how dare you!! You can't just-" I cut them off by licking their ear "Mmmm, I wonder how you taste in other places.~" "Ahhhhh!!" They ran away to the other side of the room with their face red as blood. "Wnieniobdsugejkaihifoiukeu!" "Aww, the little priest cant talk?~" They covered themselves in bedsheets, embarrassed of my deed. I sit next to them cuddling their small form, it was relaxing apart from them trembling in my arms but it was relaxing to the point I started to drift off.

I can't believe him!! Licking me like that! How inappropriate of a god!! Does he have any manners or shame! Wait is he sleeping?! I peeked out of the blankets to see him sleeping peacefully beside me, ' This is my chance.' I slowly made my way out of his grasp and replaced it with a pillow so he won't get suspicious, I quietly got dressed and made my escape to free my parents and myself.

It was hard dodging all the guards and servants but I made it to the dungeon. A guard was sleeping in the corner. I spotted the keys on his waist, looks like imma have to stealth my way into stealing the keys. I quietly tip-toed to the guard and slowly but steadily removed the keys from him. I searched for my parent and finally found their cell, I quickly opened the bars and woke them up. "Mama! Papa! Wake up." "Huh? Y/n is that you?" mama groaned. "Yes it is I, I came to free you and escape here." "What about Set?" papa questioned. "He's asleep, as long as he stays asleep that is. Come on we dont have much time." We all carefully made our way to the stables untieing the horses, but the sound of the soldiers and alarms made us jump. "Quickly! Onto the horses!" papa yelled. We quickly rode hastily from the palace and into the city, we could hear the men behind us making out group zig zag through the streets losing them in the process. "Y/n the gates are closing!" "I'll hold it open!" "But you won't make it through!" Mama yelled, "ill be fine! You guys come first!" I sped up my horse jumping off the horse. I began to fight off the soldiers and keep the gate open for my parents to slip through. I knew I wasn't gonna make it, but it's the sacrifice I'm willing to make. I held it open till they passed me, I shut the gate making the men halt their horses while in the process of being tackled down.

A while later I was thrown on my knees onto the hard floor looking down not wanting to see the man in front of me. "Leave us." The guards did as told and left, "What were you thinking? Hm? What. were. you. thinking!! Sneaking in the middle of the night, stealing horses, and injuring guards of the city! What do you have to say for yourself!?" I said nothing. "Look at me while I'm talking to you!!!" Set gripped my chin forcing me to look at him. I didn't say any words. He used the same hand to backhand me, "I would kill you right now if you weren't so useful!" I still feel silent putting up with my stinging cheek, "As punishment, you will spend a week in the dungeons without any food or sunlight! Maybe that will teach you how to be obedient. Guards, take them away immediately!!" "Yes, my lord!" They dragged me away pushing me to walk faster. Being locked up in the same place as my parents were is a bit odd since I let them out by I get put behind bars. They push me onto the damp slimy floor, I didn't know what it was that I touched but I'm not gonna question it further.  The guard slams the door without giving me a second glance. There was some hay in the corner but most of it was damp or destroyed, I tried my best to pick the dry ones which wasn't that much but it was enough for a small pillow. I hope I can sleep long enough for this to end.

(Seth POV)
How dare they disobey me! Me, a god with the power to kill them in a second! That was a bold move they made, now I don't have anything to hold them down with their parents gone. I know they aren't willing to do anything unless I have something to keep them in line. An idea popped in my head, "They won't disobey me this time."

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