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"Y/N. Can you come help me with the cargo?" "Sure father." I grabbed one of the crates and carried it into the back of the shop. I grabbed 2 more crates before my mother stopped me "Y/N can you be a dear and go to the market for some vegetables please." "Of course mother." She gave me a bag of 34 shat and went on to whatever she was doing, while I speed to the market. Memphis seems more lively today, well I guess the harvest went very well this past season. I head towards the vegetable stand, "Good morning Azibo." "Good morning Y/N! What do you need today?" "Just some squash, onions, garlic, and chickpeas please." "Oh of course, how your parents?" "They're doing well." "That's great, but uh listen you better be careful out there. I heard that the god Seth is on the loss causing havoc. Make sure you stay close to home alright?" "I understand, thanks for the news Azibo." I thanked him as I grab the basket filled with vegetation, I began walking back home till I bumped into someone.

"Oi watch it!" I huge barbarian man growled, "I'm sorry I didn't mean to." "I could have gotten a scratch or stabbed! You're going to have to pay." "But sir I don't have any money." "Hey boss their just a kid, how about we beat them and take their goods as compensation." The skinny beaded eyed man said giving a creepy vibe to their figure. And as the barbarian's fist came done I closed my eyes for impact, but it never came. I opened one of my eyes to see a tall hood figure in front of me blocking the man's hand, squeezing it almost like he going to crush his bones. "I usually don't do this, but beating a harmless little thing is a shameful act and I don't appreciate men like you terrorizing someone smaller than you." His voice was deep and smooth like silk on honey, his shadow covered me from the sun and his cape flapping in the wind almost hitting me in the face by the way. "Mind your own damn business, you hoodlum! How about you go back begging on the streets and sit quietly!" The barbarian laughed only to stop when the figure's fist was in his stomach. The barbarian took a couple of seconds before falling to the ground, the rest of the gang members and the people around were terrified by the sight. "Mind picking up your friend? he seems to be sleeping in the middle of the street." The gang members picked up their boss and started jogging away from the area. "Thank you for saving me." "No problem, what your name?" "Y/N." "You have very unique eyes...where did you get them from?" "I don't really know, not even my parents or grandparents know where I got them from." "Hmm, I see. Well, have a nice day Y/N." He began to walk off "Wait! I don't even know your name!" He turned around showing scarlet red eyes "You'll know soon in time." And with that, he disappeared into the crowd.

I made it home still wondering who that man was. "Y/N are you ok? Were heard what happen at the market today, are you hurt?" "No mother I'm fine, a man saved me." Father questioned "Oh really now? What did he look like? " "I don't know. He was wearing a cloak so I couldn't see his face." "Well, all that matters is that you're safe. Now come on, I need your help making dinner tonight."

(Time skip to dinner time)

The house smelled terrific from mother's cooking, we all sat down at the table and ate quietly with a conversation here and there. "Mother. Father, may I ask you something?" "Sure Y/N what is it?" "Is Seth going to destroy Memphis?" "Where did you get that from?!" "Azibo told me that nearby cities are being flattened by the god Seth." Mother and father stayed silent for a few seconds. "Is it true?" Father sighed "Yes is it." "Will uncle Kosey be ok?" "He'll be fine Y/N, he has a whole army in front of him."

I laid in bed thinking about what's going on outside of Memphis, I really hope everything is going to be ok. I lay on my side a relax my body as I drift off into the unknown.

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