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"We're here."

Wayuu and Yuusuke were staring at the sight in front of them. It was a house-- no, a mansion. The moment Wayuu's eyes landed on this place, an uneasy feeling erupted within her chest that felt as if she just made a mistake because it looked so familiar to the jet black haired girl. However, it proved to be right as something clicked in her mind when she spotted the name of the place.

Sunrise Residence

Okay, she totally had made a mistake.

As much as she wanted-- no, scratch that, she needed to leave the place, she knew that it would be very rude of her to suddenly leave this red headed boy that turned out to be the one who would have a crush on Ema in the future. Since Yuusuke had dragged her here and kept holding her hand, Wayuu did not have a choice but to accept the fate that was going to lead her wherever it wanted.

"Do you… do you really live here, Yuusuke?" Wayuu said in a soft tone.

Yuusuke glanced at Wayuu and nodded shyly while ruffling his hair.

"Yeah, this is my house."

No! It's a freaking mansion! Wayuu shouted in her mind while she was trying to maintain her calm face. "What a wonderful house…" She muttered.

The red haired boy dragged his friend again with him, walking into the mansion's entrance door and stepping inside when the glass door automatically opened -- which made Wayuu gaped at it. Still dragging Wayuu, Yuusuke walked over to the elevator and pressed an "Up" button before a bell-like sound was heard by the two as the elevator doors opened. The both children went in and the red-head one pressed a "5" button, causing the elevator doors to close.

Whilst the elevator was going up, a somewhat nausea's feeling hit in Wayuu's stomach since this was the first time in her second life she went to an elevator and she unconsciously tightened her hold in her red haired friend's hand.

Unbeknownst to her, this action of hers got misunderstood by Yuusuke. His heart skipped a beat as he, too, tightened his hand on the ravenette, not knowing his friend was actually feeling sick.

Just like from before, there was a bell-like sound dinging once again and the elevator doors opened on cue. Wayuu together with Yuusuke stepped out from the elevator -- which Wayuu was really relieved that she finally got out of there -- and their hearings apprehended some voices chattering closeby.

Oh no…

Wayuu's heart was thundering fast against her chest. She was not ready at all to meet the other brothers since the story hadn't even started yet and here she was about to meet them because of her own fault -- her stupidity.

Could she avoid meeting them? If she could, then how? Should she try to ask Yuusuke?


"Yes, Wayuu?"

"You said you have brothers, right? Are we going to meet them?"

Yuusuke nodded. "Yeah. Why do you ask?"

"Etto… how to put it more politely?" Wayuu murmured before she looked towards Yuusuke in hesitation. "Ano… I'm not ready to meet your brothers."

《Affettuoso》|| Various! Slight Yandere! Brothers Conflict X OCWhere stories live. Discover now