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                 11:39 PM shined incredibly bright on your clock. The moonlight gave you a good look at the object in your hands. It was the earring, all the memories plagued your mind keeping you up. Some tears were shed but some choice words were said as well. Your eyes traveled to a soft pitbull lying on your lap, you gave Soren a quick kiss and put the earring on your nightstand. Soren quickly buried herself under your blanket, making her the little spoon. You gladly wrapped your arms around her, but before your exhaustion could take you to dreamland your phone rang. Annoyingly loud, you picked the call up.

"What do you want? I was about to go to sleep," Your voice laced with tiredness, barely above a whisper.

"Um.." A voice you recognized as Angry hesitated. "C'mon just tell him already..He deserves to know" Smiley whispered to Angry. He cleared his throat before speaking once more, "Kazutora stopped by our shop, he left as soon as he saw me and Smiley but.." He trailed off. You felt a sharp pain in your head. Your body physically cringed. He really was here...why was he avoiding everyone? We all clearly care about him, so why run?

"Are you sure? Did he have his earring on?" Maybe they were mistaken and it was just someone who looked like him. You silently waited for Angry to answer. He took in a sharp breathe before saying,

"Yea...He has the same hair too. Just longer," That's it. Your heart broke into a million pieces. Knowing all your questions on if he was here, why, when, where, and the one you thought of every day. Is he just avoiding me? You thanked the twins for their new found knowledge. Hanging up, you felt more empty than before. A piece of you was with Kazutora, and knowing he won't ever give it back broke you.

                  Birds chirping peacefully woke you up...at 6 am. If you didn't have to work you'd be knocked the fuck out. Unfortunately working as a model didn't let you sleep in. You promised to model for Mitsuya because Hakkai needs someone to guide him. Hakkai is a great model, however his social anxiety is horrible. If someone he knows is there, besides Mitsuya, then he does even better. His poses are more fluid and his expressions more genuine. You tiredly pushed off your sheets, carefully moving around Soren to let her sleep in longer.

                  You changed into gray sweatpants and a white shirt. Very basic but you were going to change into clothes on set...for five hours. You groaned, dragging your hand across your face. You put some oils in your afro, picking it out a bit for the volume. Kissing Soren goodbye, you left your apartment to go to the set. You texted Draken to come by and take Soren to doggy daycare or keep her with him. Whatever he chose was his bidding, Soren seemed scarily energetic today.

                  Your finger hovered over Smiley's contact anxiously. "What if he came back?" You kept wondering but closed your phone with a sigh. If he wanted to see you, he would've. Matter of fact, fuck that banana looking ass piece of shit. You audibly mumbled insults towards Kazutora as you made your way to work.

                   The photoshoot went horrible, the stylists weren't ready, they fucked up your hair so you had to do it yourself, the other models were late, Mitsuya was yelling at the staff, it was just horrendous. You practically had to drag your body out of the place before you collapsed. Draken had called to say that Soren was safe and sound with him. You thanked him profusely before deciding to relax.

                 And your idea of relaxing was drinks! It had been ages since a drop of liquor had hit your tongue. You opened your phone to look for the nearest bar but you saw a text from Chifuyu. You haven't heard from him in a few months, so although it was alarming you couldn't deal with anyone right now. So on you went to the bar, blasting with mainstream songs and flashing lights. It was a mixture of a club and bar so you resided in the bar, dancing and singing seemed fun but you were looking for a place to relax before you got drunk and got to dancing.

                 One, two, three, four, five? You lost count of the drinks you had, your muscles felt less tense the more you drank. Green, pink, yellow lights flashed before your eyes as you danced on some man. He came up behind you with sly arms wrapping around your waist, returning the energy you grind your ass on him. Turning around you saw that he was packing in the lower department...the face card was lacking heavily. You gasped a little and walked to the bar.

              Your vision may be blurry and the drinks may be hitting but not enough to dance with an ugly man. You had standards. The music got quieter as you stumbled towards the bar, the light now dim and stable instead of flashing. You sat down, asking for another shot. Your brown eyes caught a figure that seemed familiar and comfortable. The man looked at you curiously, looking at you with concern.

"You sure you need another drink?" His voice raspy and rough. Sounded like a smoker but oddly not in a bad way. He has orange or yellow hair, your eyes wouldn't focus enough for you to tell. His hands were veiny and he had a bracelet on, it looked similar to yours. You just couldn't stop coming back up to his bright eyes. They were captivating in a way you didn't know could be.

"Don't worry about it," You replied with a bit of an attitude. It irked you when people tried to tell you what's best for you. You downed your shot and stole the lemon off of his drink to help ease you with the burning in your throat. He chuckled at your strong behavior.

"Do you usually steal people's lemons?" He questioned you somewhat sarcastically. You side eyed him before replying, "No. Just a bad day..sorry" You apologized for your sudden attitude sighing in defeat. It really hurt your pride apologizing to a stranger.

"No sweat," He patted your thigh, his warmth felt right. Something about him seemed so familiar and if you were sober maybe you would be able to point it out. "Wanna talk about it?' He offered, swirling his drink softly. You nodded slowly, might as well tell someone. This is a complete stranger, better than telling your friends who would worry more than they already do.

"When I was a kid I had this bestfriend, we were always together like always. We came in a duo everywhere even if it was to classes we didn't have each other in. He went to jail when we were kids and I thought that maybe..He'd call me when he got out but he didn't. He still hasn't.." Your eyes watered, laying all this information on a stranger. His eyes widened for a split second before turning to you. His mouth opened but nothing came out for a while before he sighed then tried again.

"Maybe he had his reasons? You don't know what happened to him in jail or what he thought of himself when he got out," He replied hesitantly, almost as if he was questioning himself.

"He popped up to a mutual friend's restaurant and ran away when he saw our friend..He just doesn't want to see me. Fucking asshole.." You mumbled the last part under your breath but the man beside you took it to heart. His posture straightened as he replied.

"No he isn't. He could've just been shocked or not ready to meet everyone again," His voice laced with underlying irritation and anxiousness. You laughed in his face dramatically, wiping away the tears in your eyes like it was the funniest joke ever.

"I've been looking for him for damn near ten years, I'd hope my best friend would have the decency to do the same. Not everyone has the same priorities though, I just want to know why he hasn't reached out," You sucked on the new slice of lemon you got from the bartender.

"Just give him time holy shit" This man had the audacity to raise his voice at you. You glared at him with so much disgust you really hope he felt embarrassed.

"You're probably an asshole who ghosted his best friend aren't you? I thought you were nice, fucking weirdo." You stood up and left the bar completely. That conversation left a bitter taste in your mouth. Maybe it was the lemon but you'd never know. The cold air hit your skin, it was 1:03 AM..you needed to take your ass home. But your legs hurt really bad so you sat on a bench and watched as cars passed.

                A tear escaped from your eye as you thought about Kazutora. You snatched the matching bracelet you guys had off of your wrist and threw it on the floor. Fuck him. 

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