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 You refused to pick up your phone. It was Kazutora. It didn't take a genius to figure that out. Desperate messages flooded your inbox but your heart hadn't recovered yet. It seemed so childish to be mad, but you knew it was wrong. Chifuyu kept you in the dark for who knows how long and Kazutora's bitchass didn't even bother reaching out. So you spent your time laughing away with Kakucho. He was such a sweetheart. Nothing but pure kindness filled his soul.

"The worst part is," Kakucho cackled between his sentences, "They made her look like a clown! Her makeup was so rushed it was so sad!" He hunched over, dying of laughter. You giggled softly at his rookie modeling stories.

"Oh poor thing, I'm so glad I only work under Mitsuya. He always gives me the princess treatment." You pretend to place a crown above your head and curtsey politely. He wiped his tears from the corner of his eyes and looked at you with admiration.

"You're incredibly handsome. Why do you only model for fun? If you took it seriously you would be a bigshot, like billboards all over East Asia." He praised you, gently letting the back of his hand caress your face. You shy away from his touch as you feel put on the spot.

"I don't have the time or the energy to do it, but I'll be here to cheer you on when you become the hottest model ever!" You returned the compliment, holding his hand softly. He smiled contently whilst you guys walked side-by-side. Truthfully, your time spent with Kakucho was comforting. It gave you peace of mind whilst your life was in shambles. Your heart ached at the thought of Kazutora, but also because you felt like you were using Kakucho. It's not like you were leading him on or anything, because you told him that you don't see yourself dating anyone at the moment. It just hurts your conscience knowing he liked you without returning the feeling yourself.

"You're funny," he laughed. "I'll cheer you on if you ever decide to commit to modeling!" Excitement drowned his words as he cupped your hand between both of his hands. You laughed, pushing his shoulder and teasing him about his excitement. "I can barely commit to photography. What makes you think I can commit to modeling? Sounds like a nightmare!" You exaggerated with a hand over your heart. Kakucho nodded like he understood your struggles. A buzz interrupted the conversation.

Kakucho looked at his phone and rushed off while answering. He put his hand up and he began talking with an uneasy expression on his face. You nodded understandingly, deciding to sit on a bench nearby. Unopened emails, old messages, and reading group chats kept you occupied while Kakucho attended to his phone call. Modeling offers from America were flooding your inbox, however your English was still at an elementary level on a good day. Though with nothing tying you down to Japan anymore, the offer seemed like a new beginning for you. You let the thought dance around your head for a minute, trying to imagine your life in America.

"I'm so sorry, but I have to attend to some...business." He dragged out his last word with nothing but doubt in his thoughts. "All good, text me next time you wanna hang out." You waved as he bowed and scurried away. You hoped he was okay. His whole demeanor flipped as soon as he took that call. Nothing was left on your schedule. Draken still had Asher and Soren, the twins were busy with their shop, and there were no photoshoots on your calendar for this week. You walked around mindlessly for maybe 30 minutes before the old Toman HQ was in front of you.

Happy memories of everyone laughing after school or after beating someone up flooding your mind. You reminisced about the days when the only thing you worried about was if your uniform was ironed or not. Now you were dealing with adult problems and it hit you like a semi-truck. Sitting down on the steps of the entrance just looking at the large empty dirt sent you on a ride down memory lane. Tears rolled down your cheeks softly yet it startled you. All your pent-up sadness made you slowly start sobbing.

Your emotions were all over the place, so much so that you found an old room to destroy and throw old items in. Once your meltdown died down you slumped to the floor, grabbing your hair in frustration as you cradled yourself.

"Is this why you haven't picked up my calls?" A tired drained voice echoed throughout the empty room. You snapped your head to see who witnessed your bitch fit. A bored yet concerned face met yours.

"You're joking right?" You mocked Kazutora. "I didn't pick up your calls because you're nothing but a fucking joke of the man you call yourself. You're a fucking asshole." You stood up, making your face to meet him face to face. An accusatory finger got in his face and your face balled up in pure anger. His eyes widened then his face started matching your expression.

"You didn't even let me explain what was happening!" He exasperated as his hand swatted your finger out of his face. "Oh right, you knowing where I was yet avoiding me is super fucking confusing. My bad," You got in his face actively mocking him. "There's more to it though!" He tried to contradict your words. You scoffed in his face, disappointment apparent on your face.

You tried to push past him but he pushed you by your shoulders to keep you in the room. This pissed you off beyond words so you pushed him back. He pushed again with aggression. You two pushed each other until he pushed you into a wall hovering over you. You tried to slip under his arms but he pinned you to the wall. God, you were so tired. He kept toying with your emotions and it was getting exhausting.

"Just let me go Kazutora." Your voice was as weak as your will to fight back. His eyebrows furrowed in concern like you two didn't just fight. "I just want to explain myself." He sounded apologetic yet it was hard to believe. You motioned him to continue talking with your continued silence. He sharply inhaled before continuing his rant.

"I've been with Chifuyu since I was released. He said you had been traveling since you graduated and being that I hadn't been in contact with you, I just believed him. We have lived together since I got released because I thought he was the only person who remembered me and cared about me. Then I found out you were still in Tokyo and I tried looking for you. I saw you on a date and got even more frustrated thinking you had just forgotten about me. Then, I found you at that bar wasted when you were ranting about how much of an asshole I was so I tried to talk through to you but you were too drunk to realize what I was saying. But I realized Chifuyu's story didn't add up so I confronted him and he lied about you hating me and stuff because he missed Baji. I'm not sure." He caught his breath after rambling for a minute straight.

You were dumbfounded and honestly at a loss for words. You opened your mouth but he put his hand up, signaling he wasn't done. "I didn't reach out sooner because I was scared you hated me. That's completely on me for not trying to find you, and I feel stupid because you...you waited so long for me." He caressed your face softly, "I truly do love you, I'll do anything to make it up to you."

Your heart was pounding and your mind was running in circles to process what he had just said. What the fuck were you supposed to do? Kazutora was manipulated by Chifuyu but when he realized it, he still went along with him? Out of spite? What???

"Prove it." You spoke as sternly as you could, yet your hands shook and you yearned for Kazutora's whole being. "Prove that you love me. Then maybe we can at least be friends still." You dug in your pocket for the necklace with the picture, forcing it into the hand caressing you.

"Don't give it back if you can't do it." You looked into his eyes for anything, anything to stop you from walking away. A hint of yearning or need for you. Yet all you saw was pity and regret. That was all it took to nudge your way past him and to your apartment.

Yea... you need a fucking blunt.


Sorry guys, I totally forgot about this story tbh...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28 ⏰

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