jrg meets you

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meawi jaergr is walking ito micknodalds for their shift. as they walk init the line to go behind the counter someone stands ohut to them oh my god no way. meiwa has read many stories and seen LOTS of videos about jeffa killer but no way they get to meet him I R L?????? (yes they do)

They are so so nervous about emaeting such a handsome fellow. BUT they get thetguts to go talk to him...right as they're abl0ut to meet face to face meija jaerger wakesp in their apartmet. |NO| says meiwa jaerg crying in fear and sadnedns and then they go up to bruhs htheir teeth and deat some cereal and drink some oragne juice. finally its time for meiwa jaerger to go to work but FO REAL DIS TIME. maeiwa gets in to their vehicle an d droves to mc donwald. THATS WHEN IT HITS HTYJME. |i dot worek at mcdonalds:(| so meiwa jaeger drives home sadly and cries because they want to meet their jeffa boiiiiiii.

AFTER THAT WHEN MEIYA WAGER gets home. they get a coal from their boss |what the  heck major jagger??!?!?!? why arent tyou at work today?!?!?!?| and meiwan jason screams and hangs up |did i raelly miss work?| HOW TH EHELL WHERE TO IWORK???? | AND THEN THEY REALIZE oh i do work at mick donalds i just drove to the wrong mickdonalds and with that mayo jerma drives to the actual micdonalds around 8 minutes late.

when they walk indo the mackers, they see him. HIM actual kjeffa killer no way????? so then mainman janker runs up to hoim |OH JEFF I HAD A DREAM ABOUT YOU OH BAB YOU'RE HERE| jeffa lookde at them in confusion. |bab what the heck??? you had dream???| and then mawa jawa is liek "yeah i had a dram" and then jef chuckles and whistles OUT OF N OWHERE DREAM MINECRAFT BUMPS UP?!??!?!!? |hey bab| says dream minecraft and kisses jef on the cheek. |hey cutie| jef replies and grabs dreams fat bum. MAYOR JANITOR SCREAMS!!! |JEFFER ARE YOU CHEATING ON ME?!?! WHATY THEW HECKL?!??!?!| jef was taken aback |bab you know i wouldny cheat on y-| meye cut him off |NO ITS OIVER IM DONE| mustard stormed off out of the micdonela and her boss yelled at her.

it was so late in the night and meiwa hagrid couldnt sleep. they sight to themself ad then came oup wityh a plan, AND EVIL PLAN!!!! they rished out of bed and put on their cloithes and drove to jeffas house. they peek in through the window, cuching a big dinner knife in  their hands. inside the window WHAT IS HE DOING???? JEF IS A BOTTOM????? mewiener smashes the window "THIS IS ALL YOUR FALT JEFF" thery stap dream to death and then turn to slice jeffa kiillers too. "go to sleep." they smiled and whispered,and then cut out a big smile in the face. they turn to the camera and said "i am the jeffa killer now >:))"

signeddc by not_tob (aka me the authoir) 


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