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"Miss Jung if you keep on doing this,I have to fire you." Said the employer." I am sorry,Mr. Gu." Eunji could only keep her head down low. Mr. Gu sighed." Listen here. You are a good woman. Don't make me feel guilty by firing you. I have to be fair. If you want to work here,then work properly. Come in time,do the job properly. Get that?" Mr. Gu continue his lecture." Yes,I get it,Mr. Gu. I'll do my work better next time." Eunji said again." You better do."

With a sigh,Eunji close her employer's door. Getting called by her employer wasn't the first thing she wish to do once she walk into her workplace. Making coffee for herself is. She made a heavy step towards the office's pantry.

She have 3 jobs to do. Part-time job at convenience store,chicken restaurant,and at an electronic company as a mere clerk. At weekend,she would be looking for an extra job which is at a bar where she has to face all the drunkard and listen to their ridiculous talks.

That happened yesterday. She has to face those drunkards when she almost done her job. End up she went home late to clean the mess those drunkards made on their table. She slept late and woke up super late. End up getting to work late and got scold by her employer for being late. It's not the first time she made any mistake anyway.

She put down a spoon that she had been using to stirred her coffee. Before she could drink it,a hand already pull the mug. She look at the person who just did that. It's no other than her senior. Ji Hara. Eunji could only sigh." Aaah~ you made such a good coffee Miss Jung. Thank you." Hara walk away with the mug. The other co-workers laughed as if Hara made some kind of jokes. Well she is. To the other co-worker's perspective. Eunji grunted while brushing her bangs back with her tongue pushing her inner cheek.

"Someone's mad~" one of the worker cooed made Hara turned to Eunji." Are you mad?" She asked.

'The audacity.'

Eunji remained silent and turn her back facing Hara before take another mug make to make a new coffee for herself.

"Tch. How dare you turn your back against you senior you rude b*tch." Hara scold." You aren't a queen that I have to face you everytime you talk. Your face isn't too pleasant to look at either." Eunji said. She,herself was shocked with her answer when all this time she would only stay silent." Ouh. Talking back now huh." Hara pulled her wrist made Eunji face her." And you are not my mother who I can't be rude at." Eunji gritted her teeth." I am your senior. Older than you. Shouldn't you show some respect?" Eunji scoffed." Well,you didn't show me any respect either. Why should I?" Eunji spat back. The hot-tempered Hara throw the coffee to Eunji. Her face was drenched with the coffee along with her beige coloured button-up shirt." Serve you right." Hara slammed the mug on the table. Eunji scoffed again with her head lower down.

"Can't look me at the face now?"

Eunji sent her a death glare." Immature." 

"What did you say?" Hara step to the front which make the other co-worker who is witnessing the incident pulled her back. Eunji pulled some tissues from their boxes and wipe her face with the tissues while walking away." Felt like arguing with a high schooler." Eunji said as walking beside Hara." YA!" Hara shouted still wriggling to free. Eunji walk out of the pantry and went straight to the toilet.

"What a way to start my work day." Eunji sighed while washing her shirt. 

She took a hoodie once she reach her seat and put it on." Miss Jung." Eunji look at the male." Mr. Han called for you." Eunji nodded and walk to a certain room.

"Miss Jung." Eunji bowed." Please take a sit." Eunji sit on a chair. Suprisingly,she's not alone in there. Hara was there too." I heard you two fought at the pantry." Eunji sighed mentally." Yes. We do." Eunji said." She's being rude to me,sir." Hara said." Aren't you just the same,Miss Ji?" Eunji said with a glare." You see that!" Mr. Han raised a palm infront of Hara's face." Do you have anything to say,Miss Jung?" Eunji sighed." If I say something,would you ever trust me?" Eunji look at the manager with a deadly gaze. Not gonna lie,Mr. Han was alittle scared with her gaze.

"H-how I wanna trust you if you didn't tell me anything?"

"If I say,Miss Ji is the one who started it. Do you believe me? Your small little brain would think Miss Ji as an angel who won't pick a fight with anyone. Am I right?"

"Forget it. Talking with an idiot like you guys won't change anything." Eunji stood up." What?" Mr. Han raised his voice." If you have other things to say to me,let's finish it tomorrow." Eunji push the chair slowly while in her mind she is imagining to throw the chair on this two latters.

"No,you don't have to meet me tomorrow cuz you are fired!" 

"That's better." Eunji walk out.


A sigh escaped Eunji's lips as she sit on a bench with her favourite ice cream in her grip." I need a new job." Eunji took out her phone. When she was about to scroll her phone,a guy walk pass her and drop a teddy bear infront of her. Eunji look down to the teddy bear under her feet and scrunched her eyebrows. She bent down and pick up the brown teddy bear with black eyes,brown nose,wearing a small baby blue colored tee. She look around if ever she see the owner. But none. She placed the teddy bear beside her when she got a sudden phone call from her convenience store owner.

" Yes,sir?"

She stood up and brushed her pants.

"Ah,I see. Okay then." 

She slowly walk away.

"Okay I will get ready now." She glance on her watch.

"Around 10 minutes before my shift? Is that okay?" 

"Okay then."

She keep her phone and fasten her steps but was stopped when a hand pulled her wrist.

She turn and saw a boy highschooler." Yes?" She asked." You left this." The boy hand her the recent teddy bear. She look at the bench she sat earlier and it was empty." Ah. I-it's not mine. Someone accidentally fell this off infro-"

The boy pushed the stuffed toy to Eunji ran away." Hey kid!" Eunji decided to chase him but a sudden stung on her ankle stops her from doing so." Argh!" She crouched down and grip her ankle." Are you kidding me? Now?!" Eunji grunted.

She glanced at the teddy bear that already lay on th ground." I should just take you." Eunji snatch the teddy bear." I am lonely anyway. Maybe you can be my friend?" Eunji smiled sweetly to the teddy bear." Aren't I sound pathetic?" Eunji stood up and walk slowly not trying to hurt her ankle." Let's just go home. Ak!" But it stung anyway.


As I walk pass by the woman,I let the toy fall on the ground and hid inside the bush. The woman realize the teddy and pick it up. I never thought it would be this easy. But then she put the stuffed toy beside and answer her call while slowly walk away from it. I ran to pick the teddy bear and walk to her. Once she ended her call,I called her.

I pulled her wrist. She turned facing me." You left this." I hand her the toy." Ah it's not mine. Someone accidentally fell this off infro-" 

I can't let this toy appear infront of my apartment unit again. I pushed the toy to her and run away." Hey kid!"

I ignore her call and took a turn at a junction.

Until the bear hadn't found the new owner,it will keep on appearing infront of my door. 

That bear was a curse.

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