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Eunji walks into her room after half of her day spent searching for a new job." Boo Boo-ya." Eunji pulled Mr. Boo Boo in her arms." I am tired." Eunji whined. She observes the teddy bear." Uuu. You have a diamond here." Eunji thumb a blue diamond on Boo Boo's forehead." It's cute. Why I just realize it now." Eunji chuckled." I've adopted you for almost 3 days already?" Eunji shrugged." You know, I haven't paid my rent this month. What if we get chased out?" Eunji asked Boo Boo as of the toy can talk to her back. She sighed." You know. I want to search for another job with a huge wage to pay for my self-sponsor study. And then, get a scholarship. Then, after graduating, I will find great work with a much bigger salary. With that, I don't have to fight with oppa again. Right?" Eunji said. Eunji nods." Yep. That's what I'm gonna do." 

Eunji sits up straight." I don't know if I already have enough money for everything that I've dreamt of." Eunji took out a box from underneath her bed. She opens the box and counts all the money in there." It's almost enough for the self-sponsor." Eunji smiled." Let's meet Ms.Oh tomorrow." Eunji smiled before pushing the box under her bed and took a glance at her watch." Gotta wash up now." Eunji ran into her bathroom.

'I hope your wish come true noona.'


"Miss Eunji." Eunji looks up to the female who called her. Eunji nod and followed the woman.

"So Miss Jung Eunji." Ms. Oh smiled." How are you?" Eunji smiled at her." Pretty well. How about you?" Ms. Oh said while arranging some files on her table."I am fine too." Eunji smiled." About the payment." Eunji opens the topic." Mhm. Please continue." Ms. Oh nodded.


Eunji walks out of the room with a sigh.

"Still a lot of things to do." Eunji sigh again. She walks out of the building and waits at the bus stop. 

She looks down on her lap while fiddling with her fingers.

"It's still not enough for your self-sponsor, miss."

Ms.Oh's voice ring in her head. She grunted and brush her hair back. Finally, her awaited bus came.


Eunji is busy arranging new stocks on the rack.


"Welcome! Do you need anything?" Eunji walks towards the counter meeting a guy with a black outfit. The guy didn't say anything and just walk in. Eunji tilted her head a little and wait for the guy. She looks at the convex mirror and saw the guy took something and put it into his jacket pocket. She placed the paper she's arranging and walk out of the counter. The man walks towards the door." Sir, you have to pay for that." Eunji pulled the man's sleeve. The man halted his step.

He shrugged Eunji's hand and run out." H-hey!" Eunji ran out of the store and chase the man. She took out her shoes and throw them at the man and it went straight to the man's head. Eunji runs to the guy and holds his jacket." Sir-"

The guy pushed her away made her fall on the ground scratching her knee and escaped from Eunji." Hey!" Eunji can't chase the man anymore since her knee hurt that made it hard for her to get up." You f*cking a$$hole!" Eunji shouted. She stood up slowly and took out her phone.


"Eunji!" Jia runs into the convenience store only to see Eunji who is gazing down the floor with hands clutching each other and their employer scolding Eunji.

"How could you leave the convenience store empty?! What if someone took the money?! Thank god I was here." The employer massages his temple." Mr. Han, there is a thief and Eunji is chasing them." Jia defended Eunji." But losing an item is much worse than losing all the money!" Jia couldn't say anything anymore.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2021 ⏰

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