your "new" story

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((Your pro))

After me and lj kissed we stayed up all night and played games and study and stuff. When I wake up I saw l.j asleep he was so cute then I looked at the alarm clock and it said 8:09. I fall off the bed and start to get undressed totally forgetting l.j was there.

((Lj pro ))
I heard someone fall on the floor so I opened my eyes and see ((y/n)) in her underwear and bra. I turnd red and tryed to look away. Then she turnd around and screamed. " lj I'm sorry I totally forgot you where here but we have 5 minutes to get to the bus." She said in a hurry."OMG" I ran up and fixed my hair and got my book bag and (y/n) walked out looking adorable.

((your pro))
I walked out in a black and white striped sweater that showed my left shoulder and a wide tank top and skirt and black leggings and boots. I guess l.j liked it because he wouldn't stop staring at me."come on let's go." I said.

-Time skip to lunch-

((Lj pro))
After we ate I offers to take both of our trays in so I did and ((y/n)) stay out there.

((Your pro))

After lj left I felt a cold hand on my mouth then pull me away and pin me on a wall. I knew it it was jeramys gang soon he came out and pinned me to the wall."You know ((y/n)) you look cute defenseless" he said with a smirk. I just stood there then he told two of his gang members to hold me down. Soon enough I found out what he was doing "((y/n)) if you love that cone nosed clown that much here." He said then pulled out a knife and lifted up my shirt and carved something into my stomach. Then they all ran away and I sat there in pain.

((Ljs pro))
When I got back I saw that ((y/n)) wasn't there I looked all around then I finally found her covered in blood. "What happened " I said but then I realized that she was passed out so I looked at her wound and it was a heart that said laghing jack on it. I picked her up and ran to her house as fast as possible. When I got there I sat her down and cleaned up her wound.

laghing jack x reader  (new year)Where stories live. Discover now