the reunion

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You look at the envilope in sprize then open it to read a letter that said

'My dear ((y/n)) I've missed you for so long and now we can see each other. Meet me at the lake we had our first date.

Your jack in the box

I got the brases off'

You first freak out then you read the p.s part and chukle and start to get ready.


You walk up to the lake in your striped sweater and black legings to see a monachrom 7 foot tall clown standing there
((Your pro))

"J-jack" you said exited he turns around and you would know that face eny where and qickly go up and hug him "oh my zalgo I've missed you so much but I need to tell you somting." He said worried

-eirlier that month-

((Ljs pro))

My horrible mother has a talk with me and tells me I'm geting married to a girl I don't even know.i argue with her till she says "fine! If you get your dream girl and get engaged in 3 weeks I'll let you go ok" I shake her hand and run up stairs knowing exactly where to go.

-back to you and jack-
((Your pro))
After jack tells you all that happened all you could do was hug him

I hope you like this idk when I'll post the next part I promise it will be soon tho

laghing jack x reader  (new year)Where stories live. Discover now