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,,A mortal beloved by the immortal..maybe you will be able to help.."

The ever so vigilant yaksha continuously getting injured on the account of the mortals, defending them with his mask up and his scary aura. He always managed to wound himself in some way or another, he returns to the place he resides at with scrapes scars and bruises galore with no one but himself to help.

But that has changed..

Months ago a mortal from Sumeru had arrived at the inn to help Soraya with her studies about Guizhong the goddess of dust. With her appearance, the yaksha began to grow more and more tired of hearing her yap on and on about things she's discovered. He, at this point, was avoiding the inn just so he didn't have to hear her ramble about the bygone god.

But one day her voice grew quiet, Soraya was nowhere to be found and the Sumerian was silently watching the landscape of Liyue. The yaksha watched from a branch above masked in the gingko tree's leaves, She looked bored and her eyes were void of much emotion "Hey" he called out, rather uncharacteristically.

She looked around in confusion, finding no one behind her "up here, you idiot" she frantically looked up and he watched her expression brighten. "It's you! You're the last yaksha!" her former blank and bored stare became overjoyed and her giddy movements emphasized on her excitement.

In the blink of an eye she was no longer below him but now beside him, sitting on the same branch he was. "You spent time with Morax and Guizhong right? What can you tell me about them?" she neglected his personal space so he was in the right to flee to a further distance, in this situation that would be a higher branch.

Finally he saw the glowing purple gem attached to a Sumeru styled transparent cloth, an electro vision was what allowed her to somehow get so close to him before he could stop her. "Please! I really want to know, i have to know!"

For a while this went on, she bugged him and bugged him until he finally spilled the answers she wanted to hear yet on one condition; she could never tell anyone else, which made all of her efforts go down the drain.

But, that is how the two met and that is how they became friends and quite possibly more..


It was an early Monday morning, Xiao was off doing his usual morning patrol's whilst you stayed at the inn with nothing to do. You were well versed in the world of literature so reading wasn't much of an option since you have read most of the books the world currently has to offer, you could doodle or draw but you lacked such a skill.

Liyue has ruins to investigate but it was so early that you could barely muster the will to leave your room let alone dig through the dirt for some ancient scripts. You just laid in bed staring up at the ceiling, rushed footsteps reached your ears before you could doze off however. The door swung open and in the doorway was Xiao, his face contorted in pain as he tried to move fast enough to close the door.

His tight shirt was red with blood, his golden gaze was illuminated "Xiao? What happened?!" he fell to his knees. "I wasn't paying close injured.." he muttered while you hurried over to him, using electrical currents to stabilize the wound before getting medical items from the bathroom.

"You? Getting hurt? Unheard of in the world of knowledge..could i..?" Xiao looked up and scowled, "Now's not the time to think about recording a yaksha getting injured..just-" he coughed mid sentence. "I need to um.." his wound was exposed since whatever injured him cut right through his clothes it's just that, You haven't had much physical contact with Xiao if any so you didn't know if he was comfortable with it.

"I am used to pain but if you could hurry.." he rushed, "Well..could i touch you? you've avoided any physical contact with me unless i was in trouble so.." he looked at you with pained golden eyes. "How else are you going to help me?" you blinked feeling a bit surprised. "Right..sorry" he lifted his shirt up a bit as you got to work.

You dabbed alcohol on the wound, though you didn't really think to warn the anemo user so he flinched and cringed. "Damn.." he muttered, "Sorry! I..didn't think to warn you.." he scowled but kept quiet as you did your thing "I need to.." you leaned a bit closer trying to wrap bandages around his chest.

You looked up at Him and stared for a moment, he looked down at you with less pain in his eyes and more embarrassment. "I'm done.." you whispered as if you were nervous about scaring him off, "thanks.." his voice was soft and almost as gentle as a baby finch trying to flap it's wings. Xiao didn't dare move and you were enjoying this a little bit, why?

"Y/n I'm back!" Soraya's voice boomed as she bursted into the room, completely ruining the moment you would have shared with Xiao. "Ah!" but, she left so fast when she saw you were busy this caused Xiao to back off a bit and made you a bit disappointed, "mortal medicine doesn't work on me but.."

he gently touched his wound with a confused face, "I've studied the immortal healing techniques meant for your yaksha's, after all you not just anyone can heal a body imbedded with karma!" Xiao seemed a bit surprised how you could brush off what happened. "And maybe, could..we get close like that again? It was nice!

