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Sharon was Steve's girlfriend. They had once dated to introduce her to his friends. Bucky and Sam were great friends, both to Steve and to each other. For this reason Bucky went to the appointment with Sam's face printed on the sleeve of his jacket, and Sam went there with writing on his back. "Punch me, Bucky gives consent." After all, Sam liked that jacket, according to him it meant a "You can, otherwise I would have hit you, don't touch my Sammino", even if it was an innocent thing at the beginning. "Steve" "Tell me love" "I want to have a baby with you ..." "Oh, I'm not ready yet" "Ah ... okay, then we'll see in the future! <3" "Sure love, sure" .

The three friends lived together and, after returning from the exit, they began to play and joke. "Sam" "Tell me, Buck" "I want to have a baby with you ..." Sam froze, eyes wide. "Hey man, it was just a joke! Steve, you made the same face when Sharon asked you the same question, aahhaha." Sam was still motionless, he had closed his eyes, and now his mouth formed a huge smile. The reason for this smile was her imagination, she imagined she had a child with Bucky.Fuck, I'm really done... he thought, and he was right. The only problem was that Bucky, unlike Sam, wasn't interested, or at least he didn't seem to. "Terra calls Sam, why are you smiling?" "Guys ..." "Say" "I have to tell you something important ..." "Sam? What happened? Are you okay?" "Yeah, steve, don't worry ... I-" "Are you gay" "Bucky? W-how-?" "GayRadar, so am I, don't worry. The reason why a girl, besides being the fact that I can't talk to strangers, is that I'm not interested." "No sorry, there are two gays here, I've known one of them for a while hundred years, AND NONE OF THE TWO TOLD ME? "" It's not a simple thing steve. You accept us, right? "" Yeah, I just want to know, do you like me? "" Bucky, let's go do a Star Wars marathon, let's not answer him "" Steve, neither of us like you hahahha. Sam, I'm more for comedy movies. Shall we start a TV series? "" GUYS I WOULD BE THERE TOO! "" Of course, Steve. Come here and help us choose the movie "" What series were you talking about before, Buck? "" Ah, yes, thanks for reminding me steve. It is not a series. It's a movie: The Hangover? But I don't remember which one, but I like one more than another "" What is it about? "" Best friends who make a drunken mess. My favorite character is the monkey "" How long does it last? "" The film will start, and then it will end. "" Yes, but how long does it last? "" It will start, and then it will end. "(Wonderful quote by Jeremy Renner)

The film, as predicted, began and ended. But Steve was strangely silent."Hey steve?" "How are you?" "Guys, I'm fine, just ... I have a few questions about being gay." "Tell me" "So when did you find out?" "Well, you find out over time." "Ok, second question. Are you in love with someone?" "Yes, a boy as wonderful as he is sweet, when he wants" "Y-Yes, I'm in love too, my sweetheart doesn't have the same origins as me." "UUh, who are the lucky ones who will be my genres from here on?;)" "I don't tell you" "I think exactly like Sam." "Third and final question, why don't you look gay?" "I don't think there is a way to be gay." "Buck's right, the fact that I don't have dyed nails and don't wear skirts doesn't make me any less gay." "Well, Sam, what can I say, in a skirt you would be at D I O AHAHAH" "I disagree, then, Bucky, Sam, I say goodnight, to tomorrow" "Night Steve!" "Night!"

"MHMHHHH" "Eh?" "Our Buck has something to say to Samminooo" "I won't tell you who he is" "Yes, I'll tell you too" "Let's play guess who?" "Ok"B: do I know him?S: yes. instead I?B: oh, yes, very good. What color is the skin?S: White. What color does yours have eyes?B: black. Your?S: green / blue. Hair?B: blacks, you?S: beautiful, so beautiful, that perfectly match the eyes, it's perfect.B: I can understand you. How did you know him?S: a friend of ours brought us together. At first I was jealous of him, then I realized his perfection. So what is your name?B: Sam ..S: tell meB: Sam.S: oh, uh ...B: yours will not be me, since my hair is DIVINE, not perfect.S: then I correct myself, he has DIVINE hair.B: ahSteve:KN OW KNOWS, I KNEW. BUCKY TOLD ME EVERYTHINGS: bucky?B: I love you, but steve really knew everythingS: oh, I love you tooSteve: GO SO BUCK! GET IT! I LOVE YOU MY FRIENDS!Hii! Hope u like thiss!

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