The beginning

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Y/n's POV "you two find the money, and your with me. We're 'bout to turn some kids into corpses." That was what you heard after your mother shook you awake in the mist of night crying for you to awaken. "(Y/n) come on, we have to leave this place!" She whisper-shouted. Just enough to where you could hear the worry clawing in her throat, she already had a basket in her arms and on her back. You wondered in you mind if she knew this was going to happen, but it didn't matter to you right now. What did matter was there was people in your house craving your death at their hands. You got your coat and suitcase she had you carry for her, carefully you both made a risky run to the back door to your mother's car. You successfully made it out and where now on the move, while driving your mother hands you her phone and tells you immediately to call the police. "We've just sent help, there on their way. Is anyone injured or in need of medical assistance?" "You can say no baby unless you've hurt yourself. Are you ok? Any bleeding or bruises?" You mom asked concerned if she wasn't able to notice you in any pain. "No,"you answered "all five of us are ok police lady." She tells your mom to stop somewhere and stay there until police have taken care of the burglary and where able to find you, making sure everyone was safe and out of the house. "Ok baby, are your brothers okay back there?" You look down at your lap and remove the blanket from the basket, carefully as to not wake them and gaze down at your brother's sleeping form, smiling to yourself you look back at your mom and reply with a quiet but loud enough to hear 'yes'. "Ok honey, I'm going to go into this hotel and explain our situation, I think I have enough money for a room, you stay here with your brothers in the car, I'll leave the accessory part on so you won't get hot, lock the doors and don't go outside until I come back ok?" You didn't want to make her think twice and be a wreck on the whole situation so you simple said ok and went back to admiring the smallest of your brothers, Charlie, the only one of your brothers that still hadn't gotten any of his teeth yet. He was growing one on the top and one in the bottom, but he never really showed them unless he was eating. You then bop the space where his nose should be "Boop, heh got your nose- wait do you three even have a nose?" Because they were only a few months old they probably couldn't answer your question. "Ugh I'm bored... wonder what kind of music is on?" You had kept switching the radio stations waiting for a good song to come up when you heard (f/s). "Oooh finally a good one!" You turn it up slightly as to not wake your brothers. *knock knock* you look at the window and see your mother and she seemed more relaxed than earlier. "Come on (Y/n), they're letting us stay here until those men are gone." "Oh ok mom!" You grab a blanket and tie it on your back and another to your chest to act like a sling and carefully put Charlie and Ben in the sling while you carried Willy in your arms and headed to the hotel room, "you didn't sleep much today mom, so I'll watch them while you rest." You mother looked at you apologetic. "Oh (Y/n) you don't need to-" you shook your head. "Nope it is decided! Sleep! You need it mom!" She thanked you and dozed off, you saw Willy open his eyes and start crying. "Willy it's ok, umm here drink this!" You grabbed a bottle full of a thick red liquid out of your backpack and held him while he downed it in mere seconds though he did calm down. You saw his shirt leak red, a normal person would be alarmed but you knew he had a cut held by stitches so when he drank something it would somehow leak out of his chest. You carefully took his bloody shirt off and slowly rubbed his chest as to not cause him any pain from the cut. Once cleaned he had already fallen asleep again and was now numb in your arms. You smiled and laid down next to all three of your little brothers giving each one a small peck before dozing off yourself.                                             Ok this is a authors note of your confused about their names, I've seen people post their fandom names so I used those and originals I was going to use Neil as original monster's name but I used Ben sense that's lemon demon's brother's name so yeah...

Triple trouble makers F! Y/n x children! lemon trio Where stories live. Discover now