feeling bad | jet

481 13 11

trigger warning!!
includes anorexia, eating disorder, bullying, depression.

3rd person's pov

"hey jet," she paused, waiting for him to answer first. "oh hey y/n! what have you been up to?" y/n looked at him with sad eyes. "about that, i want to tell you something. since we're in a relationship, i am now comfortable to tell you if i'm feeling bad, rant to you" jet was now focused on y/n, he knew y/n takes a long time to open up, he knew from her friends, but she took her time with him for only a few months, that's an achievement.

"you can tell me anything y/n!" he grinned . y/n has a soft smile on her face making jet blushed at the sight. "do you think i'm getting fatter?" now she looks up at him with puppy eyes, but quickly looked back down and fiddled her fingers, they were sitting on a bench, was out for a date.

"wha?! NO!! who told you that??" y/n anxiety rise even more. scared to tell him.

"roza, at academy. she said my thighs are too big to run, and how they were all skinny. i cried so much because i've held it long until i get back hom-"
"you're lying!" you flinched a bit at him suddenly shouting, "roza could never do that! i've been friends with her even before you joined!" y/n knew this would happen, she regretted telling that one of her boyfriend's bestfriend bullied her.

"i-" "shut it, even if she did said that, maybe it's the truth." her eyes widened at jet's word, he can't be serious, can he? "wh-what are you trying to say?.."

"truth is, you need to look over for yourself y/n, you can't be like this forever" his tone was calming, yet his sentence was so hurtful. like he was saying all this time she wasn't that beautiful.

"i'm.. i'm ending things here. its for the better good" y/n ran , jet almost catching her hand but failed.

he was in a dilemma, he agreed to himself that he was a jerk for saying y/n is on the chubby side, worse, he didn't believe her. but he doesn't know whether to believe roza or y/n.

it's impossible for him to believe roza bullied y/n for her appearance because, roza is the one who helped him go through his own insecurities, of him being short and using extensions to make him look taller.

a few weeks later

the others has been noticing that y/n has been more and more skinnier. not in a healthy way, her records in missions and tasks got worsened, her eyebags turning darker and darker, whenever the teacher asks her what brings her to be like that, she said she was fine and was having trouble with insomnia,

jet notices this too, and he was devastated to see y/n in that state, no mater how much he wanted to greet and ask how she is, he couldn't bring himself to. all of this time he kept blaming himself for their breakup. and felt guilty if he went back to her

y/n on the other hand, actually suffering because of eating disorder, this leads to her anorexic state. she loses energy far too quickly, and always dismissed earlier than the other.

her being like this and never come to the point of healing seriously worried others, heck, even rudy was worried.

at school she wasn't doing so well either, moon is her classmate, y/n would always sleep on class and whenever moon invites y/n to eat with her, she refuses everytime, even though moon and her would be having a cheerful time feeding each other foods. well, moon already got it, y/n has been eating less day by day. the only thing she saw her consuming things to her body is either water or green tea.

in the evening they went to MATA academy. y/n has a very bad headache. her head was ringing but then heard someone calling for her

"Y/N!" she snapped her neck to the person who called her.

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