Chapter Twenty Two

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After briefly relishing the adulation of the large crowd outside the museum, the Ghostbusters loaded up the Ecto-1 and Ecto-2 and returned to their headquarters. As the entire group headed down to the basement with Az'dor's trap, Peter gave an overview of his brief trip away and the alternate life he had glimpsed. The team gathered around Mr. Venkman and the current Mrs. Venkman in front of the Containment Unit as they listened to the end of the tale. Dana held one of Peter's hands within her own and watched him talk with an expression of understanding and acceptance upon her face. Though he had recounted most of his experience in that typical deadpan manner of his, his inner emotions were beginning to surface as his story progressed.

'It was wonderful,' he explained, 'but at the same time it was agonising. Almost everywhere I looked there were these constant, painful little reminders about the life I missed out on and the mistakes I've made.'

In Melissa's experience, it was unusual for one of the team to share something this personal, especially in front of the entire group. Normally she would have found this situation quite uncomfortable, especially since she was peripherally involved in Peter's experience. However, she was still shell-shocked from learning about this dream childhood she had missed out on, and did not dare interrupt this heartfelt story.

'As much as I want certain parts of that reality to remain,' Peter said, briefly looking into the eyes of his current wife, 'all of it is about to vanish, to return to being a fantasy.'

'But there will remain one silver lining.' He continued, his voice cracking despite the positive turn in his monologue. 'The experience let me see the potential... the potential in myself to follow through on being a good partner and a good father.'

Peter looked to Dana again, who had an encouraging smile upon her face. After a brief pause, he turned to face Melissa, revealing to her a remorseful look on his face and tears welling in his eyes.

'There was no good reason why I didn't give it a damn good try back then,' he told her, his voice continuing to waver, 'but if you'll give me the chance now, from here on out I'm gonna try to fulfil that potential and be the best dad a guy can be.'

Melissa was caught off guard by this direct and emotional plea. For as long as she could remember, she had dreamt about her father coming to her and saying almost these exact same words. It felt surreal to finally be hearing them for real.

All at once, she was overwhelmed by a flood of feelings, yet she knew precisely what her answer was going to be. She could barely get the desired words out before breaking down.

'Of course I will!' She managed to declare through trembling lips, suddenly experiencing an uncontrollable urge to finally embrace her father.

Tears dropped from Peter's eyes as he took her in his arms. As they held each other tightly, Melissa could no longer hold back the tide of emotions and began to sob into his shoulder. She was overcome by happiness, catharsis, and even regret. Though the two of them had missed out on many important years as a family unit, there was still time for many more going forward.

She clung to her father as long as her body demanded, momentarily forgetting about anyone else in the room. Once the uncontrollable need to weep began to subside, she gently pulled away from him, finding a thankful smile upon his craggy features and tears still streaming from his eyes. Melissa let out a happy yet stuffed-up little chuckle, before realising that the rest of the group were joyfully applauding this family reconciliation. She looked around the room, blinking a few times to clear her vision, and saw that almost everyone had been moved by the moment. Most of the team seemed to have teared up, and poor Hiroko was practically bawling with joy for her best friend. Even Egon seemed to be pursing his lips in a manner that made it look like he was close to excreting some moisture from his nasolacrimal ducts.

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