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(Jungkook's p.o.v)

Right before Jungkook could step out of his house somebody grabbed his arm. "And what do you think you're doing young sir?" It was his dad with his mother following behind him.
"Oh I'm sorry I thought you guys were asleep I didn't wanna wake you"

His parents looked at each other growing wide eyes. "Kook you're leaving us for a few months, we would like to say bye" jungkook then used his common sense and realised how long he would have to go without his source of life. His parents.

"Reasonable, sorry my brain isn't functioning it's early" they both laughed at the boy.

"Remember if you even need anything don't hesitate to call us, visit whenever you can. Make sure not to mingle with too many girls" Jungkooks mother teased him.

His father then wanted to comment " but hey get a girlfriend atleast"
"Ah yes, I would love to see the lucky girl to take my sons heart" they smiled warmly at their son as he stepped out to his car.

"Well I'll be off, I'll make sure to call you as soon as I get there" Jungkook reassured his parents. "Bye guys" he waved and drove off to his destination


"Baegum university. I've finally made it" right before he entered the huge building, he was stopped by someone at the front gates. "You must he new this year welcome to the Uni if you ever need help you can find me next to the heads office"

Jungkook nodded, smiled and said "thank you" and bowed before walking off to find his dorm room. "Should I knock? Wait no I have the key, but what if my roommate is already there?"
As Jungkook was protesting against himself the door had opened.

A taller figure opened it and bumped into Jungkook. "Oh I'm sorry are you Jungkook?"
He asked. "That would be me, I'm assuming that you are Dongmin then?"
He smiled and nodded.

Jungkook started unpacking his stuff and putting them away. "Were you about to leave to go somewhere?" The younger asked
"I was actually gonna go ask for an extra key, I tend to loose things quite easily but I mean we have two keys since now you're here so we should be fine right?" Jungkook hummed in reply.

After some time they decided that they should go look around the whole uni together. "Do you know anybody at this university?" Dongmin questioned Jungkook.
Jungkook shook his head, "I didn't actually really have friends in college, I just tend to stay independent when it comes to school honestly"

Dongmin widened his eyes. "You didn't even have a girlfriend?" Jungkooks shoulders bounced up and down as he chuckled softly.

"you are lying, you are pretty handsome I would expect you to have a girlfriend" Dongmin praised him. "Thanks for the compliment, but not really all for that relationship stuff. What Dongmin didn't know was that, Jungkook did have a girlfriend.

"Whats this?" They stopped at a display board.
"Swimming club, drama club, quoir and movie club starting today" swimming club sounds fun. Jungkook thought maybe he should check that out. "You like acting or singing?" Dongmin asked curiously wanting to know more about the mysterious boy.

"I like singing but I probably will go for swimming club." Jungkook would sing for family events, everyone enjoyed listening to his beautiful voice. "You can do everything huh? You better sing for me later on" Dongmin teased and they laughed together.


After a long day looking around and making a few friends they finally went back to the dorm. "Question for you Jungkook" jungkook cleared his voice. "Shoot"
"Are you gonna actually study? Or live your teenage life?" Dongmin and asked in a serious tone causing Jungkook to tilt his head.

"Meaning?" As you can see Jungkook was fairly confused. "You know, go clubbing, get with some chicks and maybe have a threesome wink wink" jungkook looked at Dongmin in pure shock. "Bro what the fuck" Dongmin took that answer as a no.

"You won't get me at the club or with any girls" Dongmin then thought.
"You like men?" Dongmin asked "dude" Jungkook was quick to respond
"Hey dont worry I support you, my parents are gay" That sentence caught Jungkook off guard. They both went in silence then laughed hysterically.

"I don't like men, I am straight I just don't like to fuck around you know I wanna focus on my studies" Of course Jungkook wasn't homophobic though, his own brother liked men. He was the first to know. Jungkook was 10 was his brother came out to him


"Hey Jungkook?" The elder knocked on Jungkooks door. "Yes hyung?" He was playing on his Nintendo switch. "Could you please put the game down? I want you to know something"  Jungkook looked up in concern thinking he had something serious he wanted to talk about with him.

"You okay hyung?" Jungkook was in full care mode. They didn't normally have such serious talks, and when they did it was very important. "I'm okay, I just want to tell you something about myself that I recently found out." Jungkook nodded.

The elder boy named Minjung sighed stressfully. "Do you know what Lgbtq+ is?"

Minjung told Jungkook everything and about how he even had a boyfriend he loved very much. Jungkook was very supportive about it.

-end of flashback-

"Ah I'm going to sleep" Jungkook was tired and was ready to wake up early in the morning for his first lecture, he also planned to sign up for swimming club.


"Jungkook wake your ass up" Dongmin scolded as he out his shirt on. "Five more minutes maaaa" Jungkook obviously wasn't used to the early awakenings. "I am not your mother Jungkook get up we have our first lecture within ten minutes"

Jungkook ever so slowly got out of bed and went to the bathroom. "Jk I'm going my girlfriend is waiting okay?" Dongmin waited for Jungkooks response. " yeah yeah whatever go on" Jungkook brushed his teeth and got changed. He did what else was necessary before leaving to the lecture hall. Luckily he wasn't late.

(Jungkook p.o.v)

"Pst, hey" I heard somebody whisper shouting beside me, I slowly turned my head to see a boy , he had half black and half white hair and was a bit shorter than me. He had chubby cheeks but had a jawline that was incredibly sharp. I looked around and pointed at myself. "Me?"

He rolled his eyes "yes you who else would I be talking to?" I had my mouth kept in an 'o' shape. "Do you have notes that I could by any chance borrow?" I sighed and passed him my notebook of my very messy and rushed writing.

I looked closely and looked at his lanyard. He was in a year above me. He isn't supposed to be in the hall right now. "Um? You aren't supposed to be here if I'm not mistaken"
He paused and looked up at me. "You caught be good sir, I'm failing my classes so I'm in the younger years classes to learn the basics."

"Hey you're kinda hot. What's your name?" He questioned me. "Jungkook you?" He looked at me up and down slowly. "jimin, do you by any chance know how to swim?"

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