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Another one of the five clans. MossClan!


A small lake covers half of there territory. There are some trees and bushes there as well. A stream that meets into a river is where MossClan likes to hunt. There are strong swimmers, so fish is their main prey. With not much cover in there territory, MossClan are not the best stalkers. Their territory has a good herb supply. There are a lot of trees that have nuts, so there biggest tree, with the most nuts, is important to them, so they call it, The Nut Tree.


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There camp is in an island in the middle of that small lake. One part is really shallow, makeing that the enterance. The leaders den is a rock with a cave below it. That's where clan meeting are held. MossClan calls it, Rock Hill. The warriors den is a bramble bush that is closer to the water than any other den. When the lake rises, it is the den that gets the most water in it. The apprentice den is another bramble bush, but there is a large rabbit hole underneath where apprentices sleep. The nursery is a rabbit hole. When there is a bad storm above ground, the queens shelter deep underground. Elders have there own little pile of rocks with a gap inbetwene the highest one, makeing where the elders sleep. The medicine cat den is a bramble bush close to the elders den. 


Swimming, good memory of herbs, great collectors


Fish, Voles, Squirrels, Mice, Some birds

MossClan Allegiance 

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