~Where's my sunshine?~

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"For how long exactly?" The brown haired Gold Angel sat on the fluffy cloud couch in her small home, the council member of Recommendation was telling her about her new mission, she was one more away from being a White Angel, which to them, takes years. Decades really.

"If you want me to be exact, possibly years, as long as it doesn't take his entire senior year. After this you will be granted Alpha White Angel. I say it would be best to accept it." The council member's wings were huge, his white cloak covered his entire body. The man left to the door of her house, he then turned his head, facing Claira. "If you do not accept, then it will take quite a long time to find another that suits you my dear."

"Don't sound stupid, I'll do it, I just want to get my White Wings, come this far right?" Claira tapped her fingers of the arm of her couch, folded her legs and rested her other arm on the top of the sofa. She sighed deeply and closed her eyes. "So when do I start, I just want to get this done, years or not."

"My dear, if you accept then you go right away." The council member snapped his fingers, and a flash of pure white.

Claira found herself in the council room, surrounded by multiple Angels dressed the same as the first. The one Angel in the middle smashed a giant white gavel on its plate, making a large gong go off behind them.

"Claira, you accepted the final assignment no. 287,957! You must learn to fit in at the local High school that your assignment goes to. We give you the following items: Gold Halo, White Rule Book, Star's Ablaze Sword and this necklace!" The third council woman took off her hood, she was simply gorgeous. Her hair was shoulder length with bangs, and to top it off, her hair was white. She flew don to the podium that Claira was standing on. Her body was glowing, hiding her nude body. She wrapped the pure white chain necklace around her neck, the halo at the bottom glowed like diamonds, probably because it was.

"The necklace is what will allow you to hide your wing and powers while on earth. It will also allow you to lie for your own protection. Remember, apparently Dark Angels are after this one. We're sure they're just after his own blood." The woman had a sweet gentle voice, she flew back to her own spot and raised her hood up again.

"So I'm going to have to dress as a human? I'm fine with that." Claira's hair were raised to high pigtails, leaving some hair to sit on her shoulders, very straight hair that just went down to her waist. She wore their casual school uniform. A white buttoned long sleeve shirt that was rolled up lazily, just to show her personality, on top was a clean neon blue vest and wrapped around the collar was a red string tied into a bow. Her neon blue and white plaid skirt was just above her knees. Under that were thigh high white socks and at the very bottom were black Maryjanes (black flats with a curved toe part).

"You have all of your equipment in your bag there, addition to your assignments profile. Your mission starts now." All the council members became a blur. Claira felt her eyes shut and her body move in a strong force, pushing her down out of the Heavens. Her body became to pixels and surrounding herself was star force to make herself into a meteor.

The meteor slowed down in front of her clients house, she went from a pixelated meteor to a beautiful girl, landing carefully on the concrete sidewalk. She opened her neon blue side bag, and took out the profile. A picture of the boy, Matthew Kaneshiro. Since it was a school ID photo, he was expressionless, he had greenish greyish eyes with short brown hair. He wasn't bad looking, kind of cute. But she wouldn't be interested.

"Well, better get going now." Claira ran up to the front door and knock, at first glance the door opened quickly. It was a woman, long cream coloured
hair that was tied into a back low ponytail, a couple strands left out. She had a mint t-shirt and a blue sweater tied around her waist. Grey sweatpants and regular white socks.

"Oh my, hello my dear! Are you a friend of Matthew? You are wearing his school's uniform. Do you go to Moreno High-school?" The woman smiled, her green eyes widen as the thought of her son having a friend apparently was like one in a million.

~Okie, there's the first chapter, lemmie know if you like it. I'll write a chapter hopefully tomorrow, later.~

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