Third Wheel. Pt 2

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An uncomfortable car ride later, you arrive at Joey's Pizzeria. Yelena parks the car and before you can open the door, Bucky beats you to it.
"Thanks, Buck."
He nods awkwardly.
Yelena walks ahead of you and grabs a booth.
"Pepperoni okay?" Bucky asks.
"Ooo! Let's try the jalapeño supreme one! That's the whole reason I wanted to come here." No matter the situation, food always fueled your excitement.
"That sounds really good actually, I second that." Yelena agrees.
"I'll be right back then." He leaves to order the pizza.
"I don't think I've ever seen so much excitement from you since I've met you," she says as she sits across from you.
You realize how eager you sounded a couple of seconds ago & your cheeks get hot.
"I just really love food." You clear your throat.
She laughs as she throws her head back. Her beautiful eyes meet yours. "It's cute," she says.
You quickly avert her gaze & fiddle with your fingers.
Bucky comes back and observes the seating arrangements. "It'll be about a 15 minute wait," he says as his internal dilemma becomes clear.
He didn't know where to sit. You assumed he'd sit next to you but he quickly takes a seat next to Yelena. She looks at him with an amused smirk. "You okay there?" She laughs.
"Yup, fine." He rubs his palms on his pants and looks everywhere except at you.
You roll your eyes.
Why is everyone so weird sometimes?
"So," Bucky starts, "Yelena, what's your story?"
"What's yours?" She responds defensively.
"A chance to get to know each other, right?" You sigh.
"Right," she agrees. A small moment of silence and she tries again. "I'm not sure how much Natasha told you," she looks over at both of you.
"Nothing really," Bucky says, "nada," you agree.
"Very long story short, I come from the same background as Natasha. Trained since I can remember to be an assassin. I was the best, even at such a young age." Her thoughts take her elsewhere and you notice how she starts to fall back into the past.
"But you got out, right?" You attempt to bring her back.
She slightly shakes her head, almost as if to erase the feeling, as she tries to answer you.
"With the help of my fellow Widows, yes. And Natasha." She stares out the window.
Luckily, the food arrives to help alleviate the mood.
"Oh my god, that smells AMAZING." You exclaim. You quickly jump up to grab a slice. They both look at each other and laugh.
"Is she always this cute?" Yelena asks.
"That's Y/N," he answers with a soft smile.
You ignore them and continue eating. They stare at you for a little longer and you finally tell them to stop. "Eat, you weirdos! Stop looking at me!"

As weird as you thought it would be, seeing her be human and hearing her talk about her past pushed you towards feeling empathetic. You had been so stubborn about not liking her and while you wouldn't call her your best friend, you could at least be a little nicer.

The conversation was pretty basic after that. Mostly about the pizza and how good it was, Bucky shared a couple of war stories and Yelena shared small pieces of hers.
"But what about you, Y/N?" She turns the conversation back to you. "What's your story?"
"Unfortunately, I'm not as interesting as you guys." You softly laugh, "not much to me, really. Pepper is my aunt, she took me in as a kid and worked my ass off to be where I am."
"You said Pepper took you in, what happened to your family?" She asks.
This catches you off guard, the bitter feeling of your parents memory taking over.
"They didn't want me."
"Can we go now?" You ask.
"Y/N, I'm sorry I -"
You get up from the booth and head towards the door.
"I fucked up, didn't I?" She asks Bucky.
"It's a very sensitive topic," he sighs, "to this day, I still don't know the story." He waits for her to get up and they both follow you outside.
Bucky comes up and playfully hits your shoulder with his. "How about some ice cream?" He asks.
You smile softly at him and nod your head, "yes please."
He laughs, "come on, kid."
The rest of the evening Yelena is quiet.
"It's fine, Yelena." You take a bite of your sundae. "It caught me off guard. I'm not upset at you... it's just a very complicated story." She looks at you and nods politely. "I don't apologize often, but I am sorry if I came off standoffish. The closest thing I came to having parents is my aunt and Tony." your voice trails off into a whisper, "but it's not the same..."

Bucky drives home and you ride shotgun with Yelena in the backseat.
"Thank you for today. Have a good night," then she's gone. Guilt build up in your stomach. Sure you weren't crazy about her, but you weren't trying to be a bitch tonight.
I should talk to her...

"It's a beautiful night," Bucky's voice interrupts your thoughts.
"It is," you agree.
"Want to go for a walk?"
"Actually Buck, I'm pretty tired. Can I take a rain check?" You ask.
"Uh, yeah, no you're right. We should get some rest. Want me to walk you back to your room?" He shifts his stance.
"No that's okay, thank you though. Thank you for tonight, by the way. I had fun."
"No problem," he says, "maybe next time it can be just us." He laughs. "You got it. Good night!" And you head off to find her.

Luckily no one was back yet. You finally reach her bedroom and hover over her door.
Do it.
Knock, knock, knock.
She opens the door and her hair that she normally wears up, is down. Your breath catches.
"Y/N?" She looks at you in disbelief.
You remember to breathe and your words come out all together.
She laughs, "breathe Y/N. Come in." You take a couple of steps into her bedroom and she closes the door behind you.
"What is it?" She sits down on her bed as she takes her jacket off.
Her white tank outlines her curves and your eyes wander, which she notices right away. She smirks and raises her eyebrows. "Y/N?"
You blink a couple of times and try again, "uh yeah, about what happened... I hope I didn't come off as a bitch. Even though you've already called me that," you roll your eyes.
She laughs, "well, that was when you threw a knife at me with my back turned. But things have changed, I take it back." You nod. The nerves crept up on you. Your fingers were tingling.
She notices how nervous you are and she stands up. She walks towards you and closes the distance. "Was that it?" A slight smirk pulls at her lips. That's when her scent hits you. She smelled sweet, like vanilla and lilacs. You gulp loudly. Without thinking, you bite your bottom lip and she focuses on your mouth.
"And here I was starting to think I was right," she whispers. You look from her lips to her eyes and say "what?
"I was beginning to think you were into the winter soldier," she looks down to your lips.
Your thoughts swirling around in your head, you didn't know what she was talking about. All you could do was focus on the way she licked her lips.
"She didn't tell me you..." her voice trails off.
"What are you talking about?" You blink quickly and try to understand what was happening. "Who didn't tell you what?"
She laughs softly, "Natasha didn't tell me you liked girls."
Oh. OH.
Trying to regain control over the situation, you say as calmly as possible, "what makes you think that?"
She smirks and takes a couple of steps away from you, "oh, no reason."
Before she could feel like she had won whatever just happened, you cut it short.
"Anyway, about tonight, like I said, no hard feelings. It was nice to not dislike you for a bit." You roll your eyes. "I should be heading back," you open her door and linger a bit longer, feeling her observe you. "And by the way," you say, "I'm Bi." As you begin to close her door, you see her stand there as her smirk fades. "Good night, Yelena." And with that, you head back to your room.

Zolotoye Solntse☀️ / Yelena Belova X Reader Where stories live. Discover now