Lovers in Mexico

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A couple of days after, it was all back to business. The team had received some intel on the possible locations of one of the stones. With no warning, everyone was given destinations and a detailed plan. Steve, Tony, Bruce, Nat, Clint, and Yelena all made up group A. While Bucky, Wanda, Vision, Sam, and yourself made up group B. With it being such short notice and a school night, Tony thought best to keep Peter out of this one. Meanwhile, Thor was still trying to find any possible information out in space or wherever he was.

Your group had been sent to Mexico City. Rumors had circled about a cartel boss with a very powerful piece of "jewellery."
"This dude is really just walking around destroying his enemies with an infinity stone?" Sam breaks the silence in the car.
"It appears so." Wanda replies.
You arrive at the hotel you're staying at. The charade was that Wanda and Vision were newlyweds while you and Bucky were two lovers on a vacation. Sam was just your regular American tourist. "I still don't see why I don't get a date," he complains.
"Well, technically Sam, no one is on a date as we're on a mission." Vision says.
"Oh give it up, man." Sam exits the car and enters the hotel lobby. He checks in and then follows Wanda with Vision and finally you and Bucky.

"¿Me permite llevar sus bolsas a su recámara, señorita?" The bellboy had come up beside you after the receptionist handed Bucky the room key. He had asked if he could carry your bags to your room.
"No muchacho, muchas gracias. Aquí tengo a este para que cargue mis cosas." You respond to him with a smile as you pat Bucky on the shoulder.
The bellboy laughs, "muy bien señorita. Con su permiso." And he walks away. You'd told him you already had your own personal bellboy. You turn to find Bucky staring at you with some excitement in his eyes. "What?" Suddenly feeling self conscious you look away.
"Nothing," he laughs. "I didn't know you spoke Spanish."
"There's a lot you don't know about me Bucky. Let's go."
Making it to your hotel room, it hadn't hit you that you'd be sharing a room as you guys were to be a "couple." Bucky opens the door and there was your room with two twin beds. You stiffen as you enter and there's an awkward silence as you both stare....
"Listen, Y/N, if you feel at all uncomfortable let me know. I can always try to get another room, don't worry."
"No, it's okay, Bucky.. I've just never shared a room with a guy before."
"It's only for a night or two, I promise."

Your group had arrived very early in the morning and your target wouldn't show themselves until after 2pm. The rumbling in your stomach distracted you enough to break the awkward tension...
"Think we have time for breakfast?" You wonder.
He laughs, "can't have you complete a mission on an empty stomach." And you both head out to find some food.
There was a lady selling food a couple of blocks down the street from the hotel and her entire set up lured you in. The smell was inviting and that's where you decided to eat.

A couple of street tacos later, Wanda had hit you guys up via your earpieces.
W: heads up, target spotted
S: target leaving corner store on Guadalupe
Bucky looks at you and you both gear up and head towards the target.
B: coming to you. Vehicle?
S: All black sedan. Cliche as hell.
You roll your eyes.
Of course.
Arriving at the location you spot Wanda and Vision at a table near a street vendor. Sam was walking by, looking at the other vendors.
V: heading towards you. Floral patterned shirt + brown khakis.
You spot the man & you decide to link arms with Buck. Caught by surprise, he looks at you and you smile flirtatiously at him. Catching your signal, he plays along.
He rubs his nose on yours and your heart drops. For a split second you focus on his eyes. You had never noticed just how blue they were. There was a small glimmer in his gaze when reality brought you back.
S: Y/N, Bucky, got eyes on the target or each other?
B: shut up. target locked. Proceed with plan.

Sam bumps into the man and proceeds to apologize saying something about not knowing Spanish and being lost. The man, annoyed, continues on his way.
S: Unless I am completely blind, I did not see the stone on him.
W: copy that. I didn't see it either.
V: any location on it mentally?
W: it's at his home. In his office. Top drawer of his desk.
B: Wanda, find his location. Everyone, meet there. Go.

Bucky intertwines his hand in yours & leads you to a motorcycle.
"Here." He hands you a helmet & you put it on. Sitting behind him, you hold on.
Once you arrived near the target's house, you heard gunshots and panicked screams.

You: what the hell is going on?
B: Sam
S: they're being attacked. Looks like someone got tipped off same time we did.
W: Vision & I will take the main entrance. His room is on the 2nd floor furthest room to the right.
S:I got upper levels and the perimeter.
B: Y/N and I will take everything else in between. As soon as one of us grabs the stone, back out.

He turns to look back at you, "ready?"
You nod as you grab a couple of knives from your person & run towards the mayhem.

You prepare to attack the oncoming men but they're so panicked they run past you.
"Dios mío," one of them gasps. Just then, the roof begins to shake. You stand there confused as to what they could be so afraid of that you don't notice the second floor is starting to cave.
You realize what's happening and start to run towards the exit. But before you could make it, the house collapses. A sudden and intense hold  on your stomach and then there's nothing but dust and brick. You cough and blink trying to see where you were.
Bucky is there with his metal arm propped up shielding you from the collapse.
He opens his eyes and coughs, "are you okay?"
He hadn't let go of you so you answer him, "yeah, I'm fine." Cough.
S: Y/N, Bucky, you guys okay?
B: yeah, we're fine.
W: we need to get out of here. The stone is gone.

A/N: Hi guys! So sorry for the long wait. Life kept me preoccupied but here it is. I'll have the next part up sooner as well. I won't make you guys wait too long lol. Thank you again!

Zolotoye Solntse☀️ / Yelena Belova X Reader Where stories live. Discover now