Chapter 4

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After that realisation, my life was hell. An absolute horror. My thoughts just kept spiraling back to him even if I didn't want to. Especially if i didn't want to. 

The next day, just before the end of lunch break, I wnet to the bathroom. At my greatest despair, Jensi was there. Why the fuck was he always where I was?


I surprised myself. i started a conversation with Jensi. Event if it was a little unconsciously.

"Hey! How are you?"

"I'm not good. You?"

"What happened?"

When I hesitated, he added;

"You can tell me you know I won't judge you."

He was so sweet, so caring. He took a step forward. Probably more that one because he was suddely close. So fucking close. And his face became closer and closer. Untilhis lips touched mine. He started kissing me. And I kissed him back. It wasn't hot and heavy but sweet and passionate and breathtaking and amazing. And then the magic moment broke. I didn't know exactly why. Maybe it was the footsteps outside the bathroom or the lights that flickered but I stumbled back. 

I kissed someone.

I kissed a boy.

I kissed Jensi.

That time I couldn't help myself. I ran away.

"Dex! Wait! Hold on a second!"

But I didn't look back. I pushed the door and I sprinted. I only slowed down when I arrived at my class. I couldn't. I didn't kew what, but whatever it was, I couldn't do it. I was the weak and fragile one that almost never wnet anywhere. Well, it usually bugged me that I had to stay home because I was a technopath but not that time. That time, I wished so fucking hard that I stayed home. That way, I wouldn't have kissed Jensi.

At the end of the day, I tried to sneak to the leapmaster without anyone noticing me, particularly Jensi. But he somehow found me. I tried to run away—again—but he took my arm. I tried to get away—I really didn't to face the consequences of our kiss— but damn, his grip was really strong.

"Dex, we need to talk."

"No! This was a mistake! How are you not freaking out?"

"Okay, well, first of all, I don't think we should have this conversation here. Gossip travels fast. We can go to my place."

Jensi's place. Awesome. Amazing. Just perfect. Exactly what I needed. And I was extremely  sarcastic.

"Okay, fine. Whatev'"

"Whatev'? What is that?"

"Hum, I don't know. I really don't."

He took my hand and I shivered. And I hated myself for that. Once at his house, he invented some lame excuse to explain my presence at his parents. Then, he took me to his bedroom. I had to stop my mind to run and think about everything that could go wrong.

"So... Dex... What did that kiss meant for you?"

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