Part 7

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I finished packing a small backpack full of stuff. I am bringing extra fireproof tarps, and food. I also bring my hunting knife and I put my bow on my back with my quiver of arrows. I also put some matches in a glass jar to keep them safe from the rain.

I get dressed with a pair of old jeans. Combat boots and a green shirt. I also put on my ring. It is a huge emerald, but holds a nasty secret. If the gem is pushed down, like if I punched someone, it will eject a spike. The spike holds poison strong enough to kill a hundred humans in seconds. The ring was a gift from my mother, who has had it all her life, and gave it to me when I left for the Rebels. I have no idea where my mother and little sister are now. I was never very close to them. I was different. I didn't like the parties that were held every night in the city. I was always the one person that stayed home. I never was brainwashed by Reagan's speeches as so many were. I hated acting like a prisoner, even if no one else could see it. The Capitol controlled us. They kept their secret City safe from harm, by selling us. Selling us as slaves. People would disappear. Only a few at a time. The Capitol would say they were killed by bears or stayed out when the sun rose. But I knew the truth. They picked the best workers and sold them. They packed them on boats and sent them to the enemy. They sold them as a treaty with them. So the enemy wouldn't start another war with the Capitol. When some of the smarter people figured it out they wanted to rebel. They started the famous Rebellion. It was short lived. Only lasted a few weeks. They almost overrun the Capitol, but when the wraiths came out they couldn't fight them off. They were a warning. The ones that survived were publicly executed by wraiths. They were a warning to not second guess the Capitol. Ever. After that wraiths were everywhere. Everywhere. Torturing anyone sight, because there were no Capitol people watching them. It was horrible. That's when I left. I left my family, but they were always good and the Capitol had nothing against them. I knew I would eventually find them again once we held a war against Skylark. I never thought it would be this soon.

"Jayla," I say. We pause at the edge of the camp to say our goodbyes to the Rebels. They wish us luck. I got a hug from a red headed girl named Dekka.

It's just after sunset when we leave. We load our back packs onto a four wheeler and head out. I'm driving and Jayla is sitting in the seat behind me. I start the engine with the little golden key. I push the gas and the monster roars to life. We race into the dark forest. I turn the headlights on. Two beams of light spill out into the trees. We are racing along a small dirt road and towards the Capitol. I still have a little card that I can open doors with in the Capitol. Skylark doesn't know I have it so hopefully she hasn't deactivated it yet.

Since the Rebels camp isn't far away from the Capitol we reach the silver lights before the sun rises. There are many back entrances into the Capitol. We reach the dark alley behind it and I kill the engine. We jump out. I lead the way to one of the doors. I draw the key card out of my jeans pocket and swipe it in front of the little red light. I hold my breath as it reads the card. My heart is racing in my chest. If it doesn't work the building will alert Skylark and we'll be as good as dead. I let out a sigh of relief when the door clicks open. We duck inside.

I motion for Jayla to follow me down the hall. We need to go down to the second floor to get to the bomb. We slide along the bright white hallways paneled in tiles. It reminds me of the hospitals that are in the cities. First we come to an elevator. I consider it but can't risk anyone coming on and seeing us. A little down the hall there are stairs. I crack open the door. I hold my breath to listen. I can't hear anyone. I run to the stairs with Jayla at my heels. I start down the stopping every floor or two to listen for people. Most of the Capitol people work during the day and party at night. So hopefully there will not really be anyone here.


Rue leads the way down to the second floor. She pauses regularly to listen for people but there is never anyone.

Rue opens the stairwell door and we slide in another blinding hallway. We creep along the cold tiled wall until we reach a large metal door. There is warning danger and do not enter signs plastered everywhere. I'm not afraid of what lies behind, just of what it could do. Too many lies are hidden in the Capitol.

I watch the hall as Rue sweeps the card over another red light on the wall. I hear her exhale hard as it hesitates to click and unlock. After what feels like an eternity it opens. I look one last time at the hallway, paranoid we are being followed.

As the door snaps shut we are engulfed in darkness, ebbing and flowing around us.

I hear Rue wave her arms at the ceiling and a bright light flickers on. It casts shadows in the coners of the room.

"Stupid motion detectors," Rue grumbles under her breath.

It isn't until she moves over that I see the bomb. My mouth hangs open at its size. It is massive. The cruel beauty is frightening and it sends shudders down my spine. Rue looks back at me before going to the bomb. I nod to her and she turns to the metal and flips up a panel. From where I'm standing at the door I can see everything. Under the panel there are wires, switches, and a grid. At first, Rue pulls some of the wires.

Suddenly I hear footsteps. I rush to Rue and motion for her to hurry. Whoever it is will surely notice the lights and shadows coming from under the door. Rue starts to slam her fists on the switches and wires and the grid. Pulling every wire switching every switch. I can see the anger, fear, and frustration coming in waves over her bright blue eyes.

She glances up and notices my arched eyebrow. She shrugs and goes back to smashing. I turn back to the door and peek out, the woman in a white lab coat nears closer.

Then there's a beep and the lights go out. Red illuminates the room. I look back to see Rue pushing the red button. Then she screams.

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