Part 8

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Time stands still. The bomb is shooting a small missile towards Jayla. She can't see it coming. I try to scream to her to move, but no words come out. One second I'm watching it in slow motion and then Jayla is gone. A cloud of steam floats up. She has been vaporized. I scream her name. I don't care who hears. I killed her. I killed her.

I crumble to the ground sobbing. I know the Capitol person heard everything. And I hear their footsteps running towards the door. I pull myself together and beat them there. I slam open the door in their face and knock them out. The woman lies on the floor whipmpering. Pain, sorrow, and guilt keep rushing through me, almost knocking me on my knees. I knew I should have gotten someone's else's help to change the bomb, but I didn't. Now she's dead. I'm half dead already.

I race down the hall back to the outside door. I push it open, rivers running down my face. I cry as I jump on the four wheeler. I look through shattered glass as I run the four wheeler down into the woods. I race along the path.

Towards the west I see the sun peeking up. I am close to the Rebels, but I don't care anymore, I can't live without Jayla. I don't feel full anymore. I needed her.

The wind is whining my hair up and it's a little cold all alone in the woods. The four wheeler engine is pushing as hard as it can. My knuckles clutch the handles so hard they are turning blue. There are rivers running down my face onto the control panel. The salty water makes it flicker then it goes out. Just like the light in Jaylas eyes. My heart aches so back that when I jump off the four wheeler in the clearing of the Rebels new camp. I collapse to the cold rocky ground. The four wheeler is still running. My eyes close and don;t even bother to try and open them again.


Jayla and I are in the city, we are having a panic in the park. I have the foil meal and she has snuck a few scoops of ice cream from the kitchen. We are hidden in a oak tree. We climbed this morning. The branches provide shade from the bright August sun. Jayla is laughing, there is an eyou as grin on her face. She is talking to someone. Shut she still looking at me. I look down at myself. I'm nowhere. I'm invisible. I look behind me. Rue sits in the oak tree behind me. They are talking. I'm not in the just watching. Suddenly the world goes red. I hear Rue scream.worried I look around for what she is screaming at,but there is nothing there. RUe falls out of the oak tree, ear body has gone limp, and tears stream down her face. I look back to Jayla. She is gone. All that's left of her is a small silver bracelet sitting on the tree.

I nearly scream as I wake. I jump out of bed and look around the light tent. No one is lurking in the shadows awaiting to kill me. But I hear something. A rustling at the door. I look around in the murky shadow, but I don't see anything. Then like an ambushed rabbit I jump scared when the door of the tent opens and electric blue eyes stare back at me. Instinctively I pull my knees up to my face ready to roll into a ball in case I am faced with a lykos. But no, instead of a growl I hear a voice. Whispering. Hushed and fast. I lean down. I strain my tired ears to hear.

" fault....going back.....invade..." But then all is lost as I drift into blackness from the dream.


I am racing back through the woods to the Capitol. I think Dekka understood what I said, but I'm not completely sure if she was really awake. Although it didn't really matter because I needed to leave quickly if I was going to make it back to the Capitol in time to avoid burning to death. The Capitol holds memories. Good and bad. Bad being killing Jayla, good not being a memory, but hope. Hopes of overrun the Capitol. And hope to take the nanos from their brains. While I was under the operation I wasn't put to sleep. Or maybe the anesthesia didn't work. I'm not really sure. But anyway, while I was "asleep" I heard the operators talking about the bomb, how it had two purposes. It could wipe everyone and everything out of the earth, but it could also diffuse a nano that everyone is given on their first birthday. The nano basically made you brain dead, and listen to all the lies that the Capitol tells in their speeches. I'm not sure why myself, Jayla or any of the other Rebels aren't brain dead. I don't remember much about my childhood before Jayla and I ran away. Maybe I don't remember because I wasn't brain dead or by leaving and overcoming the nanos I somehow broke them. I don't really know. Maybe the nanos have gotten better and it would explain the Rebels dwindling numbers.

I reach the Capitol and rush inside before the sun rises. I silently make my way up the stairs. I move down the white hallway with my back to the cold tiles. I reach the bomb room and swipe my card in front of the red light. I catch my breath as it once again hesitates to turn green and unlock the door.

I enter the bomb room and rush over the massive destruction machine. I am slightly scared as I near closer to it. Jayla's death is still fresh in my mind. My hands move quickly over the bomb. I open the panel and flip a few switches. I don't know how I know what to do, but my fingers seem to know. In just a few minutes I am pressing the red button that caused Jaylas death. My hand hesitates before I slam it down hard on the machine. I am filled with so much anger and if this doesn't work then I don't know what will.

The room is illuminated in red. I hold my breath as the bomb starts to roar. A golden stream of light pours out of the front of it. The flowing light streams into the walls and out into the city.

Suddenly, there are screams and people shouting. The final Rebellion has begun. We will over power Skylark. She will be forced to leave. The people will finally know the truth.






No Officials to answer them.

We are free.


ok so, I don't really like the end of this, it feels extremely rushed, but I also wrote this story when I was like 12 so I didn't want to change too much from the original plot of the story. 

Let me know if you would be interested in a second book, about Skylark and the future of the citizens!

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