Chapter 1. Josie Tobin Age Ten

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Hi! My name is Josie Alameda Tobin and I am ten years old.

Infact, and just turned ten this morning at 7:00. I have an easy life I guess, I have two amazing parents and a brick house in a lovely street in Cleveland Ohio. I am an only child and I want to keep it that way. My own bedroom, my own clothes, my own backyard when my parents are busy in the house. Everything about my life is relaxing, easy, and wonderful.

There's something about my life that's sort of different from the other kids. I don't go to school.

The thought of going to school doesn't even sound educational. My parents teach me everything, Math, Science, English, Social Studies, Art, Music, and others that I don't really care about.

It was August 17th 2009, my tenth birthday. The bad thing is that the kids on my neighborhood don't have school in the summer, but my parents still teach me anyway.

My neighbor across the street, Danica Ketchman gets mountains of homework five days a week, so Mrs Ketchman (Danica's Mom) would get Danica's assignments photocopied and bring them to my house so I can do them.

Sometimes though, I wish I could go to school. I would say without siblings and without school I am a bit socially awkward.

It was Monday.
"Good morning Mom!" I said cheerfully as I bounced down the flight of stairs. The kitchen smelt like delicious chocolate waffles. That's my perfect birthday breakfast.

She's the only Mom I have, but she's my favorite Mom I ever met. I got my light brown hair from her, but hers is really curly, my hair was curly when I was young, but now I just braid my hair to at least make it wavy, because it's now really straight. Her nose is a lot like mine to. I have a nose that is bigger than I would like it, and it's pointy. I got my brownish hazel eyes from my Dad. Speaking off, "Where's Dad?" I ask looking up from my birthday waffles. Mom and her pink dress and blue pearl earrings was just washing the dishes. "Your Dad is at work, just because it's your birthday, it doesn't make it any less of a Monday." She tells me. I soppose she's right, she is my Mom after all.

Because my Dad is working, we can't invite guests to the house. I don't see why we could just dely the party intill the weekend, but my Mom doesn't want to do that because she's Mom.

Instead she wants to drive all the way to Grandma's house.

My birthday is something that a lot of people don't celebrate. As a summer child, people are often on vacation during my birthday, so when I got to Grandma's house, the only people there were Grandma and Grandpa and their really weird grey cat.
"Mom, why is nobody here?" I asked after we walked in. Grandma who was in the kitchen must've overheard. "I'm a nobody?" She said bewildered and sarcastically. "What I mean is, why isn't Aunt Charlotte or Uncle Joshua here? Also what about Aunt Gen and her kids?" I wonder as I begin to feel offended that nobody cares. "Their on Vacation, don't you know?" Grandpa chimes in with his brown sweater.  It turned into a typical day really. I learned that my Grandparents are boring enough to buy me a dress, a shirt, jeans, earmuffs and a journal. While my parents bought me new bedsheets What I really wanted was a cell phone because three months ago on Danica Ketchman's birthday, she got cool headphones and a cell phone because her parents spoil her. 

Anyways, after the long conversations of the afternoon, I can hear my stomach rumblings over the silky voice of my Grandma. Mom's eyes lit up. "Oh God, oh no, I left the cake at the house!" She said. She wanted to swear, I could tell. She stood up and look into my eyes. "I better grab it before your Father eats it all." She said briskly. "I know right!" I replied. My Grandparents wish her good luck as she hurried out the door. I felt bad for not reminding her, but how can she forget something important like that anyway?

Then before I knew it, my Grandparents drift into their dreams while sitting on the couch. Why should they be sleeping on my birthday?! I knew I should'nt wake them up,  they could be having an amazing dream right now.   I reposition myself to glance out the window at the boring August blue sky.  Well, it looks like I am stuck here with my sleeping Grandparents. I watched as Grandpa snores and breaths lightly which made his grey mustache move.  I sighed and rolled onto the floor.  When Grandpa is in a really deep sleep, he doesn't make a noise. The room went very quiet. I rested my head on the rug intill I suddenly heard a noise from downstairs. 

Wait that's not possible is it??? Well, I suppose it is. Was a ghost downstairs? The noise was that really old piano is the downstairs room. The ghost made a noise that sounded like a perfect two seconds horror film noise.  As you can imagine, my heart falls into my stomach. I peered over the wall at the downstairs room. What I saw was undoubtedly the most unusual thing that there was.....

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