Chapter 9. The Mysterious Day

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Santiago drove me back to R.V and Private Jet.

As I left the car, I say "I can't do it! I am not ready! At least give me another day!"
"It's just the way the magic works." He responds.

His calmness is killing me. I just want to slap his stupid calm Demon face. If I kill Santiago does that kill the curse?
"If I kill you does that kill the curse?"
"No way! It doesn't make a difference."
"Santiago can you please just-"
"Josie!" I hear Mr Brown call for me out the window. I turn around unsure of what to say. "Who are you talking to?" He asked. "I... um." I turn around to look at Santiago, but he was nowhere to be seen. "Get some sleep." Mr Brown said in a given up voice.

The next morning was November 9th 2019. (AKA KMK day 1)
I woke up that morning after Oreo shifted his posture. I sat up and fluffed my hair. "Oh my God, Oh my God, Oh my God." I sat under my breath. Oreo jumps on my lap. I shake him and say "Oh my God Oreo what do I do?!"

I tip toed out of bed. I may sound like a villain as I narrate this, but out of the three things I have to do, the first thought was MURDER. Who am a gonna kill? Who am I gonna kill? I dig in Mr Brown's brown bag in the corner of the jet. I know he must have a weapon of some sort. I don't want to lose my cat forever, so if the psychopath Mr Brown wants my cat, I would probably just-

"Josie Honey!" I heard my Mom's voice walk into the private jet on this fine Snowy morning. "Good morning." I greeted her. "Mr Brown decided to go hunting for breakfast. I personally think it's a stupid waste of time, but whatever." She said. "But we have so many breakfast foods." I tell her logically. "I know that, but Mr Brown doesn't want to waste money." Mom insists.
"Well he sure is being wasteful by not eating the good stuff." I said.

I took the R.V out of the private jet and drove the whole thing to the section of the woods to collect my camera. Why didn't I do that last night? I don't know! I saw some Asian black bears hiding amongst the trees. I also spotted a few some large deer along the way.

When I got back, Mr Brown was outside and set up the picnic table. The table is wooden and definitely not clean. There was a red and white table cloth. "Josie, do you ever worry about the private jet breaking and we can't get back home?" He asked. "Well that's a stupid thought. There are many other ways to go home."
"Yeah.... okay, so your Mom is cooking spaghetti right now, she figured out how to use my jet oven, but I think it's because that lucky charm is with her." He suggested. I sat down across from him. "Okay, first of all Mr Brown, my cat's name is Oreo, you can call him by his name, second of all, he is not a lucky charm."
"Okay, well I don't believe-" Mr Brown hit a mid sentence wall as we both heard a growl coming from somewhere in the trees. "Please say that's your stomach." Mr Brown said his his eyes wide open cautiously. I shook my head, but before I could manage to speak, I saw a large golden blond bear jump over a bush and tilted his head at us when we must've sniffed the singular roll that Mr Brown was about to randomly start eating. Mr Brown stands up, and so does the bear. The bear took one step forward, so Mr Brown takes three steps back out of fear. "Mr Brown.... walk away backwards towards the Private jet and don't run." I whisper. I know a lot about Bears. My Mom and I love them. We have so many random Teddy bears in our basement closet. Infact, when my Mom went to summer camp in 1983, she rescued a wounded cub after he fell from a tree. I don't even know how a twelve year old Marsha Tegrat could do it. (Her maiden name is Tegrat) That happened a while before she met my Dad. Thinking of which, I always found it odd that my Mom is such a pro nature person while my Dad doesn't really care. My Dad even threw away my stuft animals once because he was sick of seeing them. Even my Mom yelled at him for that.

Anyway, back to the story. "Mr Brown." I whispered. "Mr Brown, you left your food out and the bear can smell it." I hissed with gritted teeth. "No it can't." He argued with greeted teeth. The beautiful animal made a noise and Mr Brown jumped into a bush fearfully as pulled a gun out of nowhere and shot the poor creature, and the bear just rolled onto the grass.

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