Died In A Inconvient Way

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Lila rolled her shoulders and stretched, her healing was slower for some reason. She continued to do light yoga since Robin said to. Everyone loves Robin. They were the rock that held everyone up.

Besides that, Lucifer had stayed with Aileth a couple more days before returning to the over world. Aileth was, with no excuse, upset about his dispatch.

Though she knew he had business to attend to as did she. She has to run hell if he's not going to, someone has too. It just so happens to be her. She had paperwork and a daily check in with the tortures.

Aileth breathed out, "Well, Hitler has like 40 more days in that timeframe so give him a wee bit more time to suffer may you?"

The demon smiled devilishly, "øf <our$3!"

The demon poofed out in a dusty cloud of black smoke, Aileth rolled her eyes. The glitches were the worst tormentors, well, I suppose best. They knew everyone's weaknesses, their fear and their worst nightmares. Only the worst people on the face of the planet got stuck with them. Aileth personally liked the glitches, they were fun to hang out with but they also got out of control easily.

Aileth went to check in with Lila to see how her healing was going, she knocked on Lilas bedroom door.


Aileth smiled from the other side of the door, "Ah! Hello Lila! How are you?"

Lilas eyes went wide in excitement, she slowly got up with a crack of her back and opened the door. Lila was wearing baggy sweatpants and a t-shirt. She was too lazy and too sore to dress properly.

"Ali!! How are you??"

She smiled, "I asked first."

Lila rolled her forest green eyes, "Oh, I'm doing alright. My back is killing me."

"I'm sorry about that," Aileth frowned, "Hopefully you will get to feeling better soon."

Lila shrugged it off, "Now answer me," she said; redirecting the subject, "How are you?"

The queen sighed heavily, like the weight of the kingdom exhaled through her, "I am exhausted. With Lucifer leaving and all this new stuff coming it's really stressful."

Lila frowned deeply, "Aw, my dear, why don't we go for a walk in the meadows together?"

She smiled, "I haven't been out of my room in days."

Aileth recovered her gentle smile, "Are you released by Robin though?" She raised a brow.

Lila made a 'shhh' gesture, "They don't have to know."

"Ahem." A voice cleared their throat.

Aileth and Lila turned paper white as they saw Robin standing behind them. Lila rubbed the back of her neck nervously as Aileth smiled awkwardly.

Robin bowed to Aileth, their reddish-gold cloak falling behind them. They wore dark brown boots as their black dress pants were tucked into them. They wore a black vest with a white button up underneath. A nice red and gold tie occupied the button up.

They also had a chain that connected from their mask to their pointed elf ears. It was gold and shimmery. Robin shifted their black eyes dangerously towards Lila.

"I'll have you know that I am to be informed of everything that happens with you. You are still my patient therefore still my responsibility."

Aileth chuckled anxiously, "Oh! My apologies Robin. It was my fault, I asked her to go on a walk with me."

Robin stood straight and stared at the queen a bit more gently; though firmly, "Your lies will not work on me your majesty. I heard the conversation beforehand. I do accept the idea of you taking a walk however."

Lila smiled brightly, "Fuck yeah!"

Aileth let out a shaky breath. Robin might be 5'3 and a raging non-binary but that meant nothing as they were still stern and kind hearted. Sometimes Aileth wonders how such good people were sent to such a damned place such as hell. She once got the courage to ask Robin and Lila personally and they just answered.

"They gave me a choice, and I am loyal to my queen."

Though Aileth never recalls meeting them before they had died. As Lila died at the age of 32 by a drunk driver and Robin died at the age of 14 by suicide. Though they were both well over 50 years old by now.

Aileth was snapped out of her mind when she felt Lila shaking her, "We can go!!"

Aileth grinned, "I caught on!"

Robin smiled gently beneath the mask, it wasn't visible through it however, "Do not try to lie to me again, Lila."

The woman winked and saluted, "Rodger that!!"

And so, the next chapter of their lives begin....

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