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Everything was going great for the little family but every happy moments come to an end...and that's what happened sooner than they expected.

San and Wooyoung were on a date at a fancy restaurant while Jihyun was back at home watching Minjun. The couple was talking about random things when Wooyoung suddenly got a text from an unknown number not liking what he is seeing

Choi San is cheating on you you should leave him
Who are you and why should I believe you
It doesn't matter who I am and I have proof
Show me
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Read at 9:53 pm

Wooyoung suddenly got up from the table very mad. "Baby what's wrong?" San asked worry evident in his voice while grabbing Wooyoungs wrist "Don't baby me and let go of me" Wooyoung said breaking away from Sans grasp, tears threatening to spill from his eyes. Without another word he left and went straight to his best friends house. On the way there San never stopped texting or calling Wooyoung. Eventually The now purple haired male muted the notifications.

Yeosang POV
I was on the couch cuddling with my wife watching tv when I suddenly heard a faint knock on the door.
As soon as I opened it I was met with a crying Wooyoung who tackled me in a hug. I immediately softened seeing the  sight in front of me.
"Let it all out youngie it's ok" I said while bringing him to the couch and Minnie immediately getting up to get water for Wooyoung.

A few minutes have passed and Wooyoung had calmed down from sobs to light sniffles.

"Can you tell me what's wrong now?" I said while rubbing his back. Wooyoung said nothing but handed me his phone and telling me to see for myself.

When I looked at the phone anger rise up in me was soon as I saw the pictures knowing exactly who it was although I don't know why they would do this.
I immediately got up from the couch grabbing my jacket and keys.
"Babe what's wrong where are you going?" Minnie asked while comforting Wooyoung still not knowing what was going on.
"I'll be back I just need to work some thing's out"

Nobody's POV
A while after Yeosang left and Wooyoung was completely calmed down he decided to tell Minnie about the situation. She ended up inviting Soojin over so they could all talk.

"Wooyoung, I say you dump him and live with me and Shuhua then we can live our best  lives together" Soojin said as she was sipping her wine.

Jongho and Soojin broke up about 3 years ago after Jongho cheated on her with her sister which resulted in Wooyoung and Soojin beating Jongho with their purses and loosing friends that were like brothers and sisters. She is now with a girl with long black hair and brown eyes named Shuhua.

"But if I live with you then I have to see non stop affection from you and shuhua. " Oh well" Soojin said downing the rest of her wine and getting more.
"I say be the bad bitch you are and pop off, I know that if that was Yeosang I would've thrown whatever is closest to me at him" Minnie said with a nonchalant voice
"Can I just stay here for a few days I really don't wanna talk to San"
"That's fine" "Hey- did you ever give him the chance to explain?" Soojin asked "Well..." "You've gotta be kidding me" Soojin said putting her glass down looking at Wooyoung in disbelief. "Wooyoung you dumb fuck" Minnie said slapping the younger on the back of his head. "Noona! Why did you do that, it hurt" "Cause you're dumb you need to talk to him" "Fine"

Woo 🥰💎:
We need to talk...
San 😘🌋:
Where are you I'm omw
Woo 🥰💎:
Just come to Yeosangs house
San 😘🌋:

After a few minutes of waiting there was a few light knocks on the door revealing a tired and guilty looking San.

"Woo" San said grabbing his arm
"Don't touch me... who is this"
Wooyoung said shoving the phone in his face. "Woo let me explain" San said backing up as Wooyoung was walking forward. Wooyoung was hitting him multiple times, San taking all the hits as his heart breaks seeing Wooyoung in this state knowing he was part of the cause. Tears were threatening to fall down his face mutter little things like 'how could you' ' I thought you loved me' before breaking down into tears completely falling into Sans arms missing the touch. He still loves him. 

"Do you not love me anymore...? What about Minjun and Jihyun"
"Wooyoung I will always love you and the kids you are my entire world I would never do anything to hurt you. That's my crazy ass ex Soyeon. Those are old pictures she's just mad cause I broke up with her please let me explain" San said with guilt in his voice.
"I believe you... but I want this bitches address so I can beat the shit out of her"
"Princess there's no need for that Yeosang and Yunho has it all handled"
Wooyoung stifled a laugh still feeling guilty for believing a complete stranger to him.
"I'm sorry" Wooyoung said looking down not wanting to make eye contact with the red and black haired male. "Why are you sorry I should be the on apologizing." "Because... I b-believed a c-complete stranger instead of l-listening to you."

The couple were now back at their own house with Jihyun and Minjun along with Jihyo who ended up staying the night while working on project.
The Woosan couple worked things out and are now on good terms sleeping peacefully with their baby boy.

Slight angst... sorry if it's bad
One chapter left

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