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A/N: my beloved people thank u for commenting on the last chapter 😭🙏🏼 i'm not asking for a thousand comments each time i update but when people do comment it motivates me to publish more often instead of the silence i usually get so god bless u all

9:09 am.

"You threw up???" Angel's words are higher than a whisper, and it pierces through the thin veil of quietness that the morning benches hold. Zoe waves her hands out in front of Angel's mouth and shushes her contentiously.

"You don't understand," Zoe blurts out a flurry of truth, and Angel folds her legs into a criss cross style in patience.

"The way I felt in that club with her..." Zoe's eyes set themselves upon the soft grass stains brushed against the side of Angel's high top converse due to the morning dew.

"I'd never been so nervous before."

Angel's eyebrows lift into a questioning stance, and her chin dips down along with the rest of her face while she inquiries Zoe.

"So you threw up?" She reiterates, and Zoe lets out a cramped groan that hits the back of her throat before she pulls her knees up to her chest and hugs them.

"It was more than just that... I don't know, Ang. I'm confused." She turns to her trusted comrade for guidance, and a pout pulls her lips downwards in desperation.

Zoe wanted to talk to Angel about this since it happened, but the entirety of the school had been on short leave to fix a pipe issue that affected the watering system. Even with all the time she had to gather her thoughts, they still sounded muffled and looked so unclear.

Angel adjusts her seating position, and gives Zoe her undivided attention.

"What do you like about her?"

Zoe turns her tongue over in her mouth, and she runs it across the molars in the back of her mouth before trying to settle on a responsive answer. Angel watches Zoe's thoughts mull itself over in her water logged brain, and Angel's head falls into a tilt.

"You don't know, do you?" Zoe lets out another groan, and buries her head into her knees.

Angel reached to a silent understanding, one that she was sure Zoe had no acknowledgment of yet. Zoe had been so accustomed to girls falling to her feet, and instead of being the chaser she was the chased. She never knew what it felt like when a seed of love was planted into the garden of her body, and she most certainly wasn't used to the sprouting feeling that grew from the flower populating inside her.

She had no interpretation of falling for the other person first, and now she was learning the hard way.

Truth be told, she wasn't at fault for it. The girls here were bland and unbecoming, especially the below average looking boys. Zoe was never one to focus on high school romance either, even though romance was hungry for her.

It had been chasing her since the first day of freshman year, and Zoe made a contract with the devil when she shook hands with Angelina on their agreement for terms and rewards of their mutual bet. It was a shadow that only moved when she walked, and would hide behind her in cowardice when she paused.

But the time had come, and romance had finally devoured her whole; for she finally fell into the trap of her first love.

"I just, I get this thing in my stomach when she smiles, and sometimes my ears burn red when she touches me. But none of that ever happened before so why is it happening now??" She sputters out the last sentence in a rush for answers, and her head slowly lifts out of her own embrace.

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