13. 1st Game

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1-A waiting room. A room I should be in. Instead, I'm walking around the building. This isn't my first time doing the sports festival, but I'm still nervous. Lots of people are going to be watching, even pro heroes! It'd be so embarrassing to make even one single mistake. Thinking about all the eyes that's going to be watching me makes me so nervous. And being in a room full of other nervous kids, it doesn't help me at all. At least walking around the building helps a bit.

Once Present Mic called for us, the students started coming out. I nervously come out with my class. I look around. I will never get used to the huge crowd.

The first year rep... Bakugo. Of course it had to be him. I wonder what he's gonna say now to piss everyone off.

"I just wanna say, I'm gonna win."

The students all boo Bakugo, while I just cheer him on. He's confident, and I like that about him.

As Bakugo walks down the stage, I think about how low these students' confidence must be. "It really shows that you're not confident in yourself if you can't even handle a speech."

Everyone goes silent. Students stare at me, some even glaring. Woops, I said that out loud didn't I?

"Y/n! That's disrespectful!" Iida says while chopping the air with his hands.

I sigh. I didn't mean to say it out loud but since I did, I might as well stick to my words. "What I meant was, if you can't handle Bakugo's words then you might as well give up now. You're all bad mouthing 1-A because you know we're strong. Stronger than you." Everyone boos, but I continue. "If you wanna show me that I'm wrong, then show me that you're stronger! The first step is by showing Bakugo that his words are not definite!"

All of a sudden the students cheer. I didn't mean to sound like I was cheering them on, but oh well.

"Without further ado, it's time for us to get started!"

1st game: Obstacle Race.

Awww, shit. I'm not great at obstacles.

As the students wait at the starting line, I cover my eyes with my hands. Looking through the obstacles, I can plan out what to do. As I uncover my eyes, the timer finishes.

What I failed to see was that there was going to be a mini obstacle, it was getting through the door. Students push and shove. I couldn't move an inch.

I feel a chill up my spine. My instincts telling me to jump. So I jump. Instantly, the floor became ice. Trapping students. Taking my chance, I hurriedly maneuver around the students while gliding through the ice.

I wasn't first, but I wasn't last either. I'm in a great spot right now, I just got to keep it up.

"Ooo, enemies have showed up out of nowhere!"

The first obstacle. The robots. Knowing they were the first obstacle, I already made a plan. Luckily, I didn't need to do the plan. Todoroki froze a robot, giving himself a path out. I quickly follow him. Right before the robot fell.

"That's Todoroki from class 1-A, pulling in to an early lead with a devastating display!" 

I stay a distance from Todoroki, not wanting him to know I was right behind him. I don't want to find out what he would do if he knew I was behind him.

"What's this?! Y/n, also from class 1-A, right behind Todoroki!"

Second obstacle. The Fall. This, I didn't plan for. I have no idea how the hell I could get through this obstacle fast enough before the other students could pass before me. I notice Todoroki using his ice to glide through the ropes. How lucky of him. Quickly thinking of a plan, an idea popped up. This idea could kill me, but it's worth a shot! I take a few couple steps back, I ran as fast as I could towards the edge. As I near, I jump as high as I can. What I didn't expect, was that I also somehow have super legs. I was high up. A normal jump wouldn't take me this high!


I panic. How- why- when- I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS. As I panic, I didn't notice I was falling. Nearing the ground, I still panic. Suddenly I feel something solid hit my feet. I stumble and fall. I freeze for a second. I look around and see that I was at the end of the second obstacle. Realizing I was still in a competition, I quickly got up. Looking behind me, Todoroki was just about to finish the obstacle. I quickly run towards the next obstacle, not waiting for Todoroki to catch up.

Third and final obstacle. Minefield. I had a plan for this obstacle, but I just discovered a possibly new power. This could be a great opportunity to test it out! As I was ready to jump, my body froze. Something in me was telling me to not take first place.

"In the lead, Y/n! She's made it to the last round, let's see what she'll do! Looks like she's getting ready to jump! She's taking a step back, getting into position AND SHE SITS DOWN! WHAT!? Y/N IS SITTING DOWN?!?"

I've always trusted my instincts and my gut feelings. It has saved me thousands of times before. It's always right. I don't know how, but it just is. There was a few times where my instincts got me into trouble, but I will always listen to it.

Students quickly catch up. Including Todoroki. As he passes by me, he gives me a 'what are you doing' look.

I watch the other student, laughing my ass off. It's rude to laugh, but it's just so funny seeing them shoot up into the sky.

Midoriya finally reaches the third obstacle. I give him a wave and a smile. He nervously smiles back. He stops for a moment at first, but he suddenly started moving. He was rounding up the landmines with a metal scrap from a robot. I smile, knowing what he was going to do. Midoriya sure has brains. It still amazes me that kids can be so smart sometimes.

I stand up to take a closer look at the front. Midoriya, Todoroki, and Bakugo. They really want first place huh.


I've waited long enough! Time to finish this obstacle. I position myself. Then I jumped. I once again started to float in the air. Kind of like All Might.

Easily jumping through the minefield, I land right before the tunnel. Quickly running through, finishing the first game.

I did it! I actually passed the first round!

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