22. Welcome Back

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When I arrived at UA, specifically 1-A classroom, I realized that there was no one here. Using my eye ability, I located where my classmates were. They were at the Center Plaza. I wonder what they're doing there.

Finally getting to where everyone is, I quickly spot my best friend outside.

"Yuga!!!!!" I yell out.

Hearing the very familiar voice, Yuga quickly looks my way. He looks at me with disbelief, "N/n!!" He runs to me in a fast pace.

Him being him, he trips on his cape and hits the ground face first. I hold in my laugh and run to him.

"You really need to shorten that cape." I put my hand out for him.

Yuga takes my hand, and I pull him up. Once on his feet, he quickly pulls me into a hug.

"Never ever ever disappear ever again! I really thought you died." He fakes cry on my shoulder.

"You know I can't die." I giggle.

He lets go on the tight hold he has on me, "what have you been doing all this time?"

"Uhm... well you see," I breathe in and start talking in a quick and fast pace, "I have this really really important necklace that helps with my regeneration and I kind of lost it when I was at my internship and I couldn't really regenerate fast so I had to stay hidden for a while so that I can heal."

It takes a few minutes for Yuga to catch up to what I said. When he finally does, he screams out "WHERE'S YOUR NECKLACE NOW?!?!"

I sigh, "I have no idea. I have to find it soon or I'll start getting very sick."

He makes a confused face. "So without this necklace, you can die?"

I shake my head, "I wish. Without the necklace, I'll be in pain every second. So if I don't want to be in pain, I have to find the necklace soon. But, I have no idea where to find it."

"How can you lose such an important thing!"

I take an awkward glance to my side, "well you see... I was being really stupid."

Yuga takes a big disappointed sigh. "We'll find it somehow. But right now, let's go the others! They'll be very happy to see you."

I smile, "I hope so, but at the moment I want to wait a bit until I see them again."


"I want to wait for the perfect time to announce I'm not died."

"You're a very weird person, N/n."

I giggle, "yes I know."

Yuga went to where ever a mirror was, and I stayed outside. I walked around a circle thinking of how to find my necklace. Maybe putting up posters for a lost necklace can be helpful. God, I'm such a careless person! If only I wasn't so stupid. I hit my head. Stupid Y/n!

After a few minutes of hitting myself, I decided to get a snack. Walking out the plaza, I decided to go find some type of street snack.

After getting my snack, I decided to just go back home and come back tomorrow. They're doing some training and I do not want to be part of it.

The next day, I walk into UA kind of late. I over slept. I still need to heal a few cuts, so my body needs all the energy it can get.

Arriving at the 1-A class door, I stare at the way too big door. I take in a big breathe. I slightly open the door and quietly enter.

I sneak in and everyone seems to not notice my presence. They're all celebrating over something.

"We really get to go to camp?!"

I gasp, "wait do I get to go too?!?!"

The whole classroom goes silent and turns around. Everyone, except Yuga, stares at me as if I was a ghost.

I rub the back of my neck, "oh did I intrude something? Sorry."

"Y/n!!!!" The whole class yells in unison.

"I thought you died!"

"When did you get here!?"


"Alright, quiet down. Y/n go to your seat, we'll talk after class." Aizawa says.

The class goes on and for the rest of the time everyone stared at me.

After class, Aizawa took me to the office. Walking there, students were staring and pointing at me. They were all whispering about how I was the 'missing kid.'

Entering the office, the teachers in the room quickly stand up once seeing me.

After a few minutes of awkward hugs from teachers and getting 'welcome back's from them, I arrive at Principal Nezu's office.

I sit on a seat in front of his desk, and patiently waits for him to speak.

"Care to explain what happened?" Nezu smiles while taking a sip of his tea.

"Erm, I kind of had to take a break to heal my injuries. I'm sorry I didn't contact anyone. I didn't have a communication device on me and I wasn't able to move at all." I stare at the ground.

"Oh dear. Well, there's nothing to apologize for. As long as you're okay! Thank you for explaining, it's nice to know you didn't ditch."

I giggle, "I would never."

"So then, school related stuff. There's a lot you have missed, but those missing works have been excused. You don't need to worry about them. Though, there is one thing happening you need to worry about. Your class is going to a training camp, would you like to go?"

I brighten up to the idea of going to a camp, "yes! Of course! I do need all the training I need."

Nezu's smile gets wider, "just don't overwork yourself, dear. Well, that's all I have to say. You may be excused. It's nice having you back."

I stand up, give him a respectful bow, and smile at him. I leave his office, failing to notice O/n's file in his table.

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