Ch 1- Running away

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Man1: There!! There she is!! Move!!

???: sh!t

Man5: Run faster!! We can't let her escape!! Or else we will be dead!!

Man7: Please come back, ma'am!! Everyone is really worried for you back at the mansion!!!

Almost 10 men were running after a 17-year-old girl, who happened to be their bosses daughter. Suddenly the girl disappeared from their sight again.

Man6: We are so dead!!


A girl who was panting hard saw out the alley if she had managed to chase away her dear father's bodyguard.

???: *Smirk* Still can't beat me. I think I should quit studying and become an athlete. Huhu!! I am the best.

The girl said with a creepy laugh, praising herself.

???2: Don't laugh like that. Someone will think you are a creepy psychopath.

Someone from behind the girl said as she flinched and turned to kick the person but-

???2: Ouch!!

Hearing the familiar voice, the girl looked up to see-

???1: OPPA!!! OH GAWD!!! I AM SO SORRY!!

The girl said realizing that she had hit her own brother.

???2: Lee Y/N, I swear to God I am gonna kill you someday!!

Y/N: haha*nervous laugh*

???2: Aish! *sigh* you should go.

Y/N: huh?

???: I'll count till 5 and you run. But if I caught you after that, we are going back home.

Understanding what he meant, Y/N smiled wide and started running.

Y/N: I Love You Oppa!! YOU ARE THE BEST!!

And soon she was out of sight

???2: Pabo (idiot) Love you too, sis. But now I have to get ready for a war.

He spoke thinking about what excuse to make up in front of his family.

???2: This girl is gonna be the death of me.*sigh*




Looking back, I saw no one following me. I halt on my steps and took a deep sigh. 'Oppa must have taken care of it' I thought as I looked up at the sky. It was already dawn. The best thing to do right now is to find a good hotel for the night and think about what to do next.

So just as I thought, I came to a hotel.

Receptionist: Room no.207. here's the key, ma'am.

Me: Thank you. And perhaps could you arrange a pair of sleepwear and a dress for tomorrow?

R: sure ma'am, but could you please tell me your preference.

Me: well, for now, anything comfortable would do. As for tomorrow, I will let you know.

R: Okay ma'am. Hope you have a nice stay.

I nodded with a smile as I walk to my room.

Me: 205...206..207. Here

I spoke as I opened the room.

The room was good and spacious

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The room was good and spacious. 'Such a waste that I am here for tonight only.' I thought, almost pouting. Just then a knock was heard. Most probably the staff with the nightwear. I opened the door.

Staff: here are the clothes that you asked for, ma'am.

Me: Thank you.

Staff: You're welcome.

I smiled as I closed the door. I went toward the bed and placed the clothes on it as I finally reach out the bag I brought with me. Opening it, I poured everything that I had onto the bed. I had my phone, a handkerchief and two credit cards.

Me: WOW! What a big brain you have, Y/N.

I said sarcastically to myself, as I left to take a shower.
I walked out of the shower with a towel wrapped around my body. I took the clothes and started to wear them.

(So I am Lee Y/N( 17 years old), the daughter of a rich businessman. Well, I also have 7 older brothers. And they are hella overprotective. According to my family, I am the proper candidate for taking over the family business. Well, I don't have 178 IQ for anything. Apart from that, our father thought it was best not to introduce the 8 of us in public, which is actually a good thing. It helps me running away and disguise myself better, hehe.)

The clothes were the literal meaning of comfort.

I went towards the mirror and looked at the reflection of myself. 'My new hairstyle really suites me well.'

Me: now let's see how you guys will find me*evil laugh*. My plan is great this time. You wouldn't able to find me for a long time. Hahaha!!
So I am all set to go.

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I looked at the mirror

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I looked at the mirror.

Me: Aww!! I look exactly like a boy. A cute one though. *suddenly I smirk* No one would recognise me now.

I looked at myself one last time as I went out of the room will all my belongings, which was nothing more than a small purse. *this reminds me I will have to do a bit of shopping*. I went towards the receptionist as she looked at me, shocked. I chuckled at her expression as I spoke.

Me: do I look like a boy.

R: Oh ma'am, I almost didn't recognise you!

Me: haha, so do I look good.

R: you look very cute and handsome.

Me: haha, I will be going now, bye.

R: Have a safe trip, bye.

And I walked out. So the first step, to disguise is complete. Now the second. But before that, I will have to go and buy some clothes and of course, contact the school.



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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2021 ⏰

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