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Back at the Dursley's, Petunia and a bundled-up Dudley come in.

Petunia: It's all right, sweetheart. It's all right.

They walk into the living room. Julienne and Vernon enter. Vernon slams the door and shoves Julienne against a wall, taking her hair.

"Don't touch her!" Sirius glared at the screen.

"Padfoot, she's here," Remus told him softly. Sirius said nothing but just nodded.

Julienne: Ow!

Umbridge was smiling gleefully while Amelia's bones were taking more notes.

Vernon: What happened?!

Julienne: I don't know! Who cares anyway? His dumbass deserves it!

"Not a good time to talk back, Jules," Hermione said.

"Pshhh, it's always a good time to talk back." Julienne waved off like everything did not matter.

Vernon snarls.

Julienne: One minute, the glass was there, and then it was gone! It was like magic!

Vernon: There is no such thing as magic!

Julienne: I didn't say it did, stupid.

"Yes, there is!" A couple of students said.

Vernon scoffs at this, shoves Julienne in the cupboard under the stairs, and slams the door.

"Bitch please look at us." A random wizard said.

"My question is, why didn't you know she was abused?" Amelia asked Dumbledore. Dumbledore shifted uncomfortably and looked away from her.

"She's right Albus, you promised me you'd watch over her," McGonagall said.

"He did. He just didn't care." Julienne muttered to herself, forgetting about Remus's hearing. Remus narrowed her eyes at Julienne and then back at Dumbledore.

Vernon blackens out the vent on the door. An owl flies into view and lands itself on a TV aerial on one of the houses' roofs. The camera slowly pans up to reveal Dudley in his most innovative school uniform, posing and smiling grandly.

Petunia: Awww, smile.

Students started laughing at the screen.

"That uniform is awful!"

"I'm so happy our uniforms are robes and skirts."

Petunia takes a photograph of him. She gasps in joy.

Petunia: Vernon, just looks at him. I can't believe it. In just a week, you'll be off to Smeltings.

Vernon: Caveat Smeltona. Proudest moment of my life

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