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Saying this now so I don't repeat myself in this book. I own NONE of the photos, songs, gifs, pictures or characters, excluding my oc's, in this book. They all belong to their original creators. Also, my keyboard lost it's 'T' key, so it is just a button now. I apologise if there are some words missing the letter because my fingers move too quickly over the keyboard and it sometimes doesn't press down hard enough for it to register.


~Haname's POV~

Floating around the halls of UA high school as per usual, I grew bored... as per usual. I wonder if Aizawa is here yet... or Nezu. I think to myself before making the brilliant decision to torment my favourite sleep deprived teacher. I haven't seen him in awhile since I've taken it upon myself to give the man a break from my constant pestering. Can you blame me though? I'm a spirit that has been dead for decades, you bet your ass I'm gonna annoy anyone who can see my unfortunate face.

"Oh Pencil Topper~" I sing as I literally fly through the door to enter his classroom. He only ignored me as he watched his class, never taking his eyes off them. Curiously, I looked at his new class and felt my non-existent heart drop. They were ALL looking at me with wide eyes. To test my theory out, I raised my right hand slightly and waved to the crowd of 20 pupils. 7 of those actually returned my gesture while the others stayed how they were.

"Oh shit!" I gasp and zoom to float beside Shouta, noticing how they still looked at me. "Shouta! Are you seeing what I'm seeing or have I gone insane after my many lonely years of being here!?" I scream, shifting my gaze towards the man in black who was already looking at me with slightly wide eyes.

"The fuck just happened!?" A boy with ash blond hair screamed, successfully snapping the rest of the class out of their shock.

"Shouta... am I dreaming?" I quietly ask, tears leaking from my eyes as I looked back at the class.

"This is real." He sighs, shaking his head with a soft smile on his lips. "They can see you Hana."

"Mr Aizawa? What's happening? Was that her quirk?" A green haired boy raised his hand.

"That was not her quirk, Midoriya." Shouta sighed once again.

"I'm actually quirkless." I smile brightly, overjoyed by the whole situation.

The entire class gasped in shock. "WHAT!?"

"That's right. And I'm gonna just rip off the band aid and say this: I'm quirkless, and dead." I smile sweetly.

"Couldn't you have said it differently? You're gonna traumatise my class." Aizawa grumbled, already getting into his sleeping bag.

"Like I said, 'rip off the band aid'." 

"DEAD!?" The class continued, their jaws basically on the floor, minus a few.

"Explain it to them." Said Eraser.

"Fine. Hello everybody, my name is Haname Samuishi and I'm known as the Ghost of UA. I'm sure some, if any, of you have had the pleasure of hearing about a ghost that haunts this school. I can tell you now, those rumours are true and you're looking at her." I introduce. "Any questions?"

"How long have you been here?" A boy with odd elbows questions, raising his hand.

"Like, as a ghost?" I question, he nods in return. "163 years? I think...?" I hum.

"This may seem rude but are you the same Haname that supposedly committed suicide here?" A boy with glasses piped up. I sigh, thinking of a way to clear this up.

"Well you see, authorities say it was a suicide, but I can assure you, it wasn't." I answer.

"What happened then?" A short boy with purple hair spoke next.

I look towards Shouta for his opinion on the matter and he only raised his eyebrow at me, silently telling me that it was entirely up to me. Sighing once more, I begin my tale. "Back in the day, I attended this school. I understand that I was quirkless but I was in the support class at the time. There was this one group of students from the hero course that weren't always the nicest, they would bully others when teachers weren't around but had excuses and lies up their sleeves to get themselves out of trouble if they were caught or questioned."

"One day, I was late heading back to class after lunch when I walked passed one of the empty classrooms and heard the group in there with someone else. As someone who always wanted to be a hero, I walked into the room to try and save the poor soul who was their next victim. The whole situation was rigged from the start and someone would have died either way. The leader of the bully's went to shove the younger student who stood in front of an open window. I reacted quickly and pushed the said student away, in turn, being the one who was shoved. I fell out of that window and you can guess what happened from there." I finish, looking at all the different faces that showed me different emotions.

"I guess you could say that I did become a hero. Even if it was only a one time thing." I smile.

"That's terrible!" A girl with brown hair shouted.

"What happened to the group?" Someone else questioned.

"Well, they claimed they saw me jump when they walked past and threatened the bystander to stay quiet. They're probably dead by now. Either way, I don't care anymore, I got over the whole thing a few years after they graduated."

"So you just haunt the halls of UA now?" A boy with bi-coloured hair questioned.

"Because I died on campus, I haunt the school grounds and can't leave." I explain, floating upside down.

"Are there any other ghosts here?" Someone else aks.

I shake my head while answering, "Nope, just my lonely ass." I smile.

"Even as a ghost, you were previously a student at this school. Refrain from such foul language miss Samuishi." Glasses boy speaks up.

"Technically, I'm older than you, so respect your elders." I grumble, successfully shutting up the boy. "What are your guys' names by the way?"

After the class introduced themselves, Aizawa permitted the rest of the lesson to be spent getting to know each other. Love you Shouta! Eventually, the bell for lunch went so I joined the class. I decided to chill out with Mina and her friends at the 'BakuSquad' table.

"So you don't need to eat?" Kaminari asked, slurping up his ramen.

"Nope, I don't need to drink, sleep or anything you humans need to do anymore. It's great!" I was sitting in the middle between Bakugou and Kirishima so they could all see me. "Also, try and keep it down, everyone will think you're going crazy and talking to the air."

"Oh right..."

"Who else can see you? And why can only this class see you." Mina questioned next.

"Nezu, Aizawa and class 1-A." I start off, "You guys can probably see me because you're like the protagonists in an anime or something."


"Huh?" I ask innocently.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2021 ⏰

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