☁︎Chapter ⑥☁︎

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◦Third Person POV◦

A day has passed quickly at Hera Palace. Kids, teenagers are off to their perspective schools while the adults go off to work, or either stay at home enjoying their day off without their child's.

The New person that has moved to the 97th floor has been the topic of the whole building, as some never get to see the girl, while some news that a new student will be studying at CheongA arts High was big at the teenagers at the whole school especially at the Hera Palace, hoping it was the new person that is now living there.

Bella has been enjoying her time at her home ecstatic that she adjusted at the place quickly, spending her time singing or either painting at her now new art room. Calls from her father is been frequent, which is nice to her as it makes her feel that he's always with her.

Christine has been monitoring her telling everything to Bella's father, as he is worried every second.

Today is Bella's first day of school as she is now preparing to get ready, her new uniform sat at her closet neatly ironed. She is now currently getting out of the bathroom to her closet. Locking the sliding door behind her as she puts down the automatic blinds.

Slipping on her uniform, she stood at her drawer for a new pair of stockings, soon she goes infront of her point shoe drawer, looking for some newly crunched shoe before slipping it on tying the ribbon securely.

Opening the closed blinds she goes to the other side of her room before hearing a soft knock on her door.

"Coming!" Bella shouted grabbing her bag beside her vanity, opening the door to find Christina waiting patiently.

"Breakfast is waiting at the table madam" Christine says as she leads Bella to the dinning table.

Following behind quietly with her phone in her hands, she sat down as she starts eating her breakfast that is a plate of salad, cutted fruits, and a black coffee.

"Christine, what time is school starting?" Bella asks sipping her coffee

"8:30 Madame, about an hour and a quarter more before it starts." Christine says sitting beside Bella.

"have you eaten yet?"

"Yes Madame." Christine answers as Bella hummed continuing her food.

15 minutes passed Bella finished her breakfast and is currently walking to their private elevator, with the three body guards and Christine walking closely behind her.

Swiping their card, Christine pressed the main floor, silence fell the whole ride down. As the elevator dinged the guards got ahead of Bella and Christine walking out the majestic hall. Seeing no one but a woman who's getting out of the elevator the group continued to walk.

Bella halted noticing the familiar face, smiled as she walk up to the woman to greet her good morning. Christine noticing the dissappearance of Bella looked around to see her walking towards a woman.

"Are you Ms.Cheon Seo Jin?" Bella asks as the woman stopped with a smile, facing the person who called her

"Yes,... And you are?" Seo Jin asked looking at the girl who's wearing her school's school uniform

"Ahh how impolite of me, I'm Bella Haverford, the new resident here, and um a new student of your school."  Bella says extending her arms as Seo Jin noticed her action shaked her hand.

"Ahh Yes of course Ms. Haverford, I've been meaning to see you later, but guess it's the perfect timing." Cheon Seo Jin chuckled

"I've also been looking forward to see you Ms. Cheon. I've been watching some of your performances for a while now and I am a fan." Bella says as she noticed Christine now by her side glance at her before giving a quick smile.

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