Redwood Park or Downey's place

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Rachael enjoyed the rest of her day at uni she was happy with her English lecture and the rehearsal in Drama was going really well she couldn't wait until opening night she new that the play was going to be a hit. Throughout rehearsal Rachael could feel a pair of eyes on her watching her intently she turned around fast enough to catch the culprit in the act and it was who she was expecting, Robert.

Robert blushed as soon as he noticed he was caught but quickly recovered with a sneaky wink and a sexy lip bite. Rachael just giggle to herself hoping that no one else saw that little interaction. Luckily no one was paying attention as they were all to busy concentrating on the scene they were in.

It was five minutes until the end of the class, Robert had just told the class that he wanted them to keep working as hard as they have been and that he was very happy with the way things were going.He thinks the play will be a knock out. Just before the bell range to signal the end of the day Robert told Rachael the stay behind for a brief moment so he could discuss a few techniques he wanted her to try for the part. Everyone left as normal and Rachael sat in her seat waiting to hear what Robert had to say she knew it wasn't about the acting he couldn't take his eyes of her before so it had to be something teasing.

"So Mr stark what is it that you want to talk to me about?" Rachael was getting nervous Robert hadn't stopped staring at her he was sat at his desk chair just gazing at her she didn't know what to do until he finally spoke making her heart rate increase ten fold his voice was so smooth and deep that she felt she was hypnotized. "Well Miss Matthews i just wanted to tell you that you look beautiful today and remember to meet me at 7 in redwood park" with that Robert got up and left he just left Rachael standing there wondering what will happen what are they going to do what is she supposed to wear.


It was 6:50 Rachael was parking her car she didn't notice Roberts car in the car park she was the only one there she was a five minute walk away from the park so she decided to walk and see if she could find Robert. Rachael was so nervous she had no idea what Robert had in mind for the night or why he even wanted to go to the park this man confused her but she loved it as he always kept her guessing.

As Rachael was heading into the main trail of the park she received a text from Robert
Walk until you see fairly lights and then when you see them follow their trail and you will reach your destination ;) xxx

Rachael giggled at Roberts message and then started looking for the fairy lights as instructed. After a few minutes of walking along the winding dirt trail surrounded by trees Rachael noticed a small glow coming form ahead, she wandered towards it taking in all of the beautiful scenery around her the fresh grass the newly blossomed flowers the fresh smell of the flowers nectar's the sounds of the birds chirping with the rustling of the small insects in the plants and grass moving around her feet.

Rachael looked up to see the lights hanging from a giant oak tree as she looks at the tree and saw a note stuck to the rough brown bark.

Miss Matthews: you are at the start of your magical mystery adventure you will find more notes like this on the trail with each note you will have a small surprise but none of them will compare to your amazing beauty but i hope you like them all. Enjoy your adventure with love Robert xxx

Rachael couldn't control the Cheshire cat smile that grew as she finished reading the note, Robert was so sweet she couldn't wait to find out what she was going to find on her little adventure. As she was about to walk towards the glowing fairly light trail she noticed something on the floor it was a small box. She was curious as to what the box was it wasn't a big box only the size of her palm it was pale blue with a white ribbon tied around it. The excitement of what it could be made Rachael's heart race she had so many thoughts going through her head she couldn't wait to find out what was in the box.

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