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Booming thunder disguised the pattering footsteps of a young lady running down a corridor, the only source of light was a single burning candle grasped tightly in her hand and the occasional white light as a lightning bolt took form in the outside sky.

She was a woman on a mission, the desperate cries of her lady still fresh in her memory, turning left, and right, down corridors, and weaving her way down vast staircases, sighing in relief when she didn't trip and fall.

As she ran she whispered her message under her breath, saying each sentence with a step," my lady needs you" step one "it's coming right now" another step "she insists" trip, slide "RUN LIV, RUN"


Finally she caught sight of the door leading to the great hall, loud laughter and cheers were heard from the other side of the door, she huffed in annoyance, what could they possibly be celebrating while her lady was in such pain only a few floors above them. A Bright and cheery hall greeted her as she ripped open the door, all sounds ceased as the lords and ladies stared in shock at the sudden intrusion by the handmaiden.

She hurried towards the long table on the other side of the room, she went straight to the head of the table, leaned down and whispered the well rehearsed words in the man's ear, his expression went from its usual stoic expression to one filled with shock,fear, and a sudden urgency as he stood up, the great heavy wooden chair almost toppling over by the force of his sudden movement.

He slammed his goblet down almost creating a noticeable dent on the hardwood surface, then he spoke, His voice thick with emotions "My dear Lords and Ladies, a matter of serious importance has been brought to my attention, I must go see to it, pray that when I return it will be bearing good news, meeting adjourned"

With that he hurried out of the room, the woman bowed to the ladies and lords before turning tail and scurrying after the lord, she had to sprint to keep up with his long strides as they approached the large wooden door.

Without warning the lord stopped in his tracks right in front of the door.

"What is her condition Liv?" he asked the handmaiden, who shocked by the sudden halt, crashed right into his back.

"oh, my apologies, my lord" she quickly moved away from him while rubbing her sore forehead, casting her eyes to the ground before she spoke again "She was in great pain when she sent me to you"

He nodded his head solemnly before pushing the heavy door open.

The sight of his wife laying in bed eyes shut tightly, her brow covered in sweat gripping the hand of her other handmaiden greeted him when he opened the door.

"Avalon, my love" he whispered, rushing over to her side, he knelt down and took one of her shaky hands in his large ones.

"My lord, you came" she whispered a weak smile stretched her lips out, her eyes fluttering open revealing her teary light green eyes.

He could see the 12 hours had taken its toll on her.

"Of Course I cam-" He was suddenly cut of when a loud scream erupted out of his wifes mouth, her back arching of the bed, her grip on his hand tightening so much that he had to restrain himself from ripping them away.

He looked up and stared, eyes wide at the handmaiden who was wiping the ladies brow, on the other side of the bed.

"When is the midwife coming" he demanded, voice tight and urgent "why isn't she here yet"

The handmaiden, Zayna shook her head in denial, "I don't know my lord, we sent a raven out before the storm started but she has not arrived yet"

Avalon quietened down again, chest rising and falling as she took advantage of the few painless minutes before yet another wave of pain rolled over her body.

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