Random, but a deep thought

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Hello my roses!💓

I hope that you all are doing amazing today!
Before we get into this chapter topic,


There! Now let's do this.

This thought just came to me a few weeks ago when I was just lying in bed. It kind of put me in a place mentally where I didn't understand if I was being fake or if I was just scared.

A little background info before I tell you what came to my mind:
I'm an Indian, as I've mentioned multiple times before.
And I go to an English-medium school. Most of the kids who go there are all from different areas of India or are from some place around India.

Okay now, the thought that I got was that a lot of us (students) put up a fake personality than of what our real personality is like.
Like, I am not the same person that I am at home to how I am at school and I suspect that every else is not being themselves either.
At home, I am an extremely weird person. Quiet but weird. I love hugs but don't like asking for them. I don't like showing my real emotions out to others. Which happens to be one of the few things that I do at school AND at home.

I could not fall asleep at this point.
When I realized this, I abandoned my attempts to try to sleep and instead went on to think of reasons of why we would be like this.
The answer came to me almost immediately: because we're scared.

Let me elaborate a bit more.

Sometimes being yourself is just not good for any of us.
A lot of us have heard of stories of people being bullied for being themselves. This brings fear in a lot of people, I'm sure of it.
Fear makes us often do things that we wouldn't actually want to do.
Like fake having a different personality than the one we actual one we have. Fake different traits. Different interests. More specifically, interests that other people have.

And honestly, I would blame this on our upbringing. We were raised in such an atmosphere that we feel like we don't deserve anything good and deserve everything bad.
Trust me, not everyone is like this. But a lot of people also are.

This all I've got for today.

Love you all!💚

This is Avanthi,🌹
Signing off.💓

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