A boost of self-esteem 💜

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Hello my roses!🌹

Let me just give you a hug first and then, we can get towards today's topic. 💚

*Hugs tightly and sends all my love your way* 💚💖💜💙❤️💚❤️💓💘💖💌💚💖💜💙✨💙💜💖💚💓❤️

There! Now, today's chapter, as you can see from the title, I am going to give you a boost of self-esteem so that you can put it a genuine smile on your face and make it through for the day!

Sometimes, life becomes really difficult and I get how you feel. I might not be going through the same things you are, but I still understand you .

Perhaps someone who you loved dearly died. Perhaps someone made fun of you, maybe you are just not feeling your best.

I don't have much experience in difficulty in life, but I have had plenty of sadness.

Now, I'm going to have to ask you to do a set of steps which I will lead you through in this chapter.

What you must do:

1. Get a mirror or stand in front of one.
2. Take in deep breaths. In for 4, hold for 6, out for 8. Just breath.
3. After your done breathing, stare at your reflection. Analyze yourself.
4. Take in your features. Observe the "imperfections" as you would call them.
5. Say something good of you see. For example, the bags under your eyes. They might be showing you that you might've stayed up late studying. Or that you were up comforting your friends online. Just something that you find good about them, say something nice about it.
6. Hype yourself up! Your body imperfections show that you are human, so don't be afraid of being proud of them!

I hope this helped! I tried, I really did. Tell me if your feeling better!

Love you all!💚

This is Avanthi,💫
Signing off.🌹

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