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Please tell me your thoughts on this story with a comment, I wanna know it so bad. Comment to motivate me 😜


NEXT DAYS was a bit hectic for Jisoo. Due to the drama she lost, she's striving hard to improve her acting. Everyday feels like she's new in this, she feels like she never acted when she's been doing it for long.

"This is the list of the drama to be considered, we already signed you for audition" The head manager of the entertainment stated.

"I'm very disappointed with you" She continued making her caught up "I was scolded and embarrassed by the chief manager because of what happened to the drama you failed"

Jisoo stayed silent. She knows it's her fault why it happened but it sadden her that the head manager was scolded because of her failure.

"So expect that for now, the role available for you isn't for leads"

She weakly nodded, as if she can do something for it. She hates what's happening 'cause she expected when she got the contract was a lead role. The first one was her chance but it disappeared like ashes, she wasted it.

No one to blame but her, she lack on acting. But hating on what already happened won't do good for her. She needs to take what happened into positivity and might as well learn from it.

So she promised to herself to keep improving herself.

Following days was the same, there are days she has a schedule for auditions. She's very nervous but every time she's done, she feel relief and think that it was an achievement for her.

She was just waiting for the results of the audition. The days without working in a field was disappointing for her.

Unlike when she was just a freelance, she has no schedules to follow. Everytime she hears about some auditions for extra, she would run and try her luck. There are times she's really lucky, she would get extra roles especially those roles that needed a beauty.

Almost all the roles she got was because she has a pretty face. Never did she thought it was the most valuable for her to get the dream, never did she thought others see her as a pretty.

Growing up, she never heard anyone calling her that. She was bullied during elementary for having a huge pair of ears that she would choose to put down her hair everyday.

She was small and pale, others would mock her for being sick. It was frustrating as a kid, she grew up having no confidence at all.

Her mom wasn't a help neither, her mom would always compare her to her sister. She understands though, Irene was the real daughter. But her? A mistake that shouldn't had happen, that should've been forgotten.

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