Chapter Four~Lost Memories

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Lottie's POV:

When we eventually found Izzy, she was in the control room, but I also noticed someone I didn't particularly like as well.

"Ah, great. What's he doing here?!" I exclaimed at the same time as Alec asked,

"What's a mundane doing in the Institute?"

"A circle member followed him to find Clary, and also Charlotte if she'd have been out there with us." Jace explained.

"A circle rune, just like the guys who came and took my mother." Clary pointed out the obvious.

"Our mother." I mumbled under my breath, so only Alec could hear, who sent me a sympathetic look.

"What's a Circle member, and why are they trying to kill us." Simon asked.

"Not you, Simon. Mainly Clary and I, but most of the Shadow World as well." I corrected him. Everyone nodded at my statement.

"The only thing we know is... a long time ago the Circle led a revolt. A lot of Shadowhunters got killed. Including my father." Jace explained what the Circle was.

"Also, since the revolt we've been forbidden to even hear about the Circle." Alec continued.

"But how's that even possible? I mean, it's your history." Clary, very dumbly, asked.

"Says the girl who didn't even know she was a Shadowhunter." Jace sassed, with his usual Wayland smirk plastered on his face, and started to walk away somewhere.

"Yeah. Yeah, you're right." Clary called out to him. Great, that's one way to boost his already humungous ego. "And now the only person who knows the truth is missing." Nope. I'm stood right in front of you Clary. I know the truth. "So, I don't care about what's forbidden, or your rules, I'm... There's got to be someone around here that can tell us why they've taken my mother." Ah, there it is again. My mother. Not, our mother. My mother. It's exactly like I don't exist. Boy am I glad I found Jace, Alec and Izzy. They feel like the family I never had.

I stopped listening to Jace and Clary's conversation and went to take over what Izzy was doing as she went over to Alec, Jace, Clary and Simon. Before she did, though, she gave me a comforting hug and smiled at me.

I only stopped working when Alec came over to me and touched my shoulder gently, distracting me from working.

"Yes, Alec?" I asked him.

"I think Izzy wanted you. I can finish this. Go find Izzy, you've had a long day." 

"Thank you Alec." I smiled at him, earning a smile back. 

"It's not a problem Charlotte."

"Lottie." I told him, but when I noticed his confused face, I carried on. "Call me Lottie."

"Okay then, but seriously, Lottie, go find Izzy. You deserve a break." I nodded and walked off to Izzy's room.

Before I could walk in, though, I noticed Clary looking quite upset, rushing to the Institute doors.

I thought about leaving her for a second, but then rid myself of those thoughts and ran after her. Looks like I wasn't the only one, though. Jace appeared next to me, shouting Clary's name.

"Clary, will you just calm down?" Jace tried to calm her down. It only made her more angry.

"Calm down?" Clary repeated, "Really, calm down? Alright, Jace you may be some form of emotionless G.I. Joe, but--" Clary started, only to get interrupted by Jace's confusion.

"What is a G.I. Joe?"

"A soldier who doesn't understand human emotions. Who doesn't know what it's like to lose someone." I explained to Jace. He looked at me and gave me a thankful look.

"Who doesn't understand what it's like to lose your own mother." Clary added before Jace could even think about replying.

"You're right. I have never known my mother." Jace casually told Clary, but I noticed a little bit of hurt in his eyes when he mentioned that.

"Oh, sorry. I didn't know." Clary stuttered. 

"That's exactly my point. You don't know anything about this. You don't know about me, you don't know about my life..." I started to lose the point in this conversation, so I interrupted Jace.

"Look, Clary, in the Shadow World, no plan and no training gets you killed." She just sighed and turned away from us both.

"Alright then, so we know Valentine is back and wants the cup and for some reason he thinks my mum has it."

"Could she?" Jace asked Clary and I.

"I don't know." Clary answered while I just shrugged my shoulders.

"Clary, you know about runes. You've drawn them. You know something, please just think." Jace persisted.

"I've tried okay. It's just an empty blackness." Clary sighed in frustration.

"She's had her memory wiped, Jace. Mum got a warlock to do it. I don't know who but she had Clary's memory wiped." I spoke up, gaining their attention.

"That's not possible. Is it?" Clary asked in disbelief.

"Of course, if you know a warlock." Jace told her.

"And we do know a warlock. Dot, she's our mum's assistant. She's a warlock." I told them both.

"So what you're saying, is that if we find the real Dot, she could help find the cup and get my mum back?" Clary asked.

"Absolutely. Unless she's working for Valentine." Jace answered her very obvious question.

"Even better. Then she'll lead us right to him." I stated, walking away. Before I was out of earshot, I heard Clary ask,

"Where's Simon?" Then walk off looking for him.

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