Chapter 4

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The next day at school I tell Amanda and Alice about what is going to happen on Friday. They're both excited and promise to be there.

I don't know what I would do without them.

Through the rest of the week, I find out, that I share every class with Hunter, and half of them I share with Alex. Hunter keeps pushing my buttons. So, to get him to stop for a day I make a deal with him, that if he stops taunting me for a day, I shall give him a chance to be friends. His idea with the "friends" thing, not mine. Why he wants to be friends? I don't know, but he keeps his end of the deal. That was Wednesday.

Thursday he was back to being cocky and annoying, but not in a too bad way. It is my time to keep my end of the deal, and I do. To be honest it isn't too bad.

Amanda and Alice have of course come to the conclusions, that I like him. Not that I do. They tease me with it, at the times when Hunter isn't around.

Every day after school I go straight to the gym. Thursday Hunter decides to join me. When we are training, we don't talk. It isn't annoying that he is there, it's actually quite nice. Not to mention seeing his hot body. Wait, get out of my head thoughts. Erase that last sentence.

Just because I think he's not that bad, doesn't mean that I've stopped being cautious around him.

I haven't visited The Underground the whole week. Dad forbade, me because "I needed to be at my fullest on Friday".

Thursday after we were done training, Hunter and I decide to walk together, as we're going the same way. We walk down some random streets and talk about random things. We end up in a quiet alley.

My senses tell me that there is too quiet... and I am right. Hunter stops talking too.

"Something is wrong, it's too quiet here." I say it low.

"I know." His voice is cold, and deeper than usual.

I place my hand on my gun that is under my jacket.

I turn around to see a man with a mask on, standing at the corner of the building, pointing a gun at me and Hunter.

"Hunter, watch out!" I shout while the man with the mask shoot two times. Luckily, he misses.

I quickly take my gun and shoot him in the head. Bingo, headshot first try, damn I'm good. He falls to te ground.

I hear a shot behind me. It's Hunter, he just shot another masked man in the head.

Where did he get that gun from? And how could he just shoot the man like that? and aim so good?

I don't get the chance to think further. I feel a strong hand grabbing my arm. It's another masked man.

Like seriously! How many masked guys are there?!

I punch the masked man in the head with my free hand. He lets go of my arm. I punch him a few more times. He tries to fight back, but I'm much stronger than him. I knock him out, cold. Dam that grip is going to leave a bruise.

While I have been fighting, Hunter has managed to take down two people with his gun and is now fighting a third. I hear a man coming from behind. I turn around and shoot him in the face.

"Hunter, leave him conscious" I tell him demanding.

Hunter hit him one more time, so he falls on his knees.

"Who sent you?" Hunter and I says it in unison. He doesn't answer.

I take my gun and point it at his head "Who sent you. Answer or you will die." I demand. I don't feel like asking twice.

He still doesn't answer. "Well then, bye" I shoot him in the head. He falls lifeless to the ground, joining the other idiots.

"Great! Now I got blood on my new shirt." I whine and look at Hunter.

"How can you shoot like that? And why do you have a gun." He asks confused, looking amused at me.

"I can't tell you. But I could ask you the same?"

"Fair enough. I can't tell you either." We stand there looking in each other's eyes.

"Let's get out of here." He states.

"Just a thing, this has never happened." I say demanding. "As you wish Bellissima." He says it with a smirk on his face.

"I need to make a quick call." I excuse and walk around the corner of the building. So that Hunter is no longer in hearing range.

I call one of our cleaners and tell him that I need to get some bodies cleaned up.

Of course, I don't tell him about the fact that Hunter was also there. Because if he knew, then he would tell my dad, and Hunter would need to join the gang after what he had seen. Though this event made me a little more cautious about him, why didn't he tell why he had a gun? Is he from another gang, or maybe mafia?

I hang up, and Hunter and I say our goodbyes.

WhenI come home, the cleaner calls me. He tells me that there are no bodies at theaddress that I had given him. I don't understand it, Hunter and I had justkilled 7 people. How can they be gone? I want to find out, but my focus needsto be on the fight, tomorrow.

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