the fundraising

2.6K 33 45

TW: pet play / mommy kink / mdlg relationship / nipple play / masturbation / degradation kink / praising kink / fingers sucking kink / orgasm denial / lactation kink

prompt: Regina organizes a fundraising to re-build the Elementary School and she asks Emma not to talk to Ingrid, a woman she fought with in The Enchanted Forest

"Thank you dear, but you can put Emma's plate here near mine" Regina said to her maid Isabel with a polite smile, before turning to Emma with an angry look. "Oh Isabel? No one is allowed to enter this room before I say so, understood?". Isabel nodded submissively and then left the dining room. Emma eyed Regina anxiously, not knowing what she's done to make her girlfriend so mad.

"So, did you enjoy the fundraising today?" Regina asked the blonde calmly, her right hand placed on top of the left one on the wooden table. "Emh, yeah, it was nice, why?" Emma replied trying to keep eye contact with the brunette, failing miserably. Her heart was racing and her head was pounding.

What the hell did I do to be treated like this? Emma thought whilst she started chewing her nails. "Did you meet someone new?" Regina kept asking raising an eyebrow.

At first Emma was a little confused by the question, but then it hit her. She talked to Ingrid, even tho she wasn't supposed to. She tried to swallow, but her mouth was dry, and then glued her eyes on the table. "Look at me Emma" the brunette said starting to loose her temper "NOW!" she shouted and Emma winced before lifting her head. "So? Did you?". "Yes..." the blonde replied almost whispering, starting to regret what she did.

Regina was busy talking to a couple of friends of hers and Emma, feeling ignored, decided to disobey her mommy.

"I asked you one thing this morning, which was not to speak to that woman and you did it anyway, might I know why?". Emma stayed silent for some moments, but when she heard Regina clearing her throat she decided to speak. "You were ignoring me and-and I didn't know what to do" the younger woman started, but was cut off. "and does that mean that you can ignore what I say to you?". When Emma stayed silent Regina decided to continue speaking. "You know that there will be consequences for this, right?". The blonde looked at her and started to fidget with her fingers. Regina sighed heavily and then spoke again "You followed her all day like a lost puppy...don't you know you're mine?!". She said the last sentence almost screaming before hitting her fist on the table. Emma winced again.

"At first I thought about spanking you until you begged me to stop, but I know that my dirty little slut would enjoy that, so I thought about something more...appropriate...for the situation. Since you acted like a lost puppy all day, I'm gonna treat you like it. Your plate is here, if you wanna eat you have to crawl to my feet like the good puppy you are and get on your knees near me, then mommy's gonna feed you". Emma looked at her with nothing but pure shock on her face.

Wha-what did she say?

Emma knew very well how possessive her girlfriend was and she knew better than disobey her, but she wasn't expecting this.

Regina started to chew on her steak elegantly like what she just said was nothing important, but then stopped to look at Emma. "So?" Regina asked wiping the corner of her mouth with her napkin. "You-you can'' must be kidding me!" Emma said in one breath, not knowing what to do. "Do I look like the type of woman who jokes, my love?" Regina said, looking even more regal and strict than usual. The girl stayed silent for a while, watching the brunette eating peacefully, then decided to listen. She slowly stood up and then sat on the floor. She put a finger into her mouth and started to suckle it forcefully trying to relax, but it was useless. She felt like she was about to explode. She felt angry with Regina, the way she was treating her was beyond humiliating, but she couldn't deny the shiver of excitement and arousal that went down her spine directly to her pulsing core. She got on her hands and knees and started to crawl to Regina, then she sat on the hills of her feet near her, like she told her. "Good job puppy" the older woman praised Emma, patting her head like she was an actual dog. "Before we start eating, I have a gift for you baby" the brunette said before standing up and looking into her bag. She started to walk toward the table with her hands behind her back while Emma was still silently looking at her. "I've been keeping it inside my closet for a while and finally the perfect moment has arrived" she announced with an enormous smirk on her face. Emma's mouth opened in shock for the second time in less than 20 minutes. Regina was holding a bright red leather dog collar with a gold tag that said "mommy's slutty princess". Without giving her time to realize what was going on, Regina put the collar on Emma and then started to feed her like she said she would. She cut a small piece of Emma's steak and took it between her finger before putting in Emma's open waiting mouth. Regina looked Emma chewing and she couldn't do nothing to stop her juices to wet her panties. She knew that Emma, on the inside, was as kinky as she was, but they never got this far. Watching Emma obeying her without blinking an eye made her core tremble. "Is it good?" the brunette asked looking down at Emma, who was still on the floor. "Yes mom-" but she was cut off once again by Regina tugging hard on her collar. "Don't you know that dogs don't speak?" all the affection and sweetness that were in Regina's voice were gone and they were replaced by anger once again. Emma shut her mouth immediately and started to nod with force, to make sure that her mommy would understand that she was enjoying the food. After finishing her steak and vegetables Emma was thirsty, but she didn't know how to tell it to Regina since she wasn't allowed to speak, so she began to hit her thigh with her head like a real dog would do. "Yes? You need something?" Regina asked, a little smile creeping upon her face. Emma eyed the glass of water that was on the table, so Regina picked it up and brought it to her lips, placing a hand under Emma's chin in case the girl would spill some of it.

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