Who Is This Girl?

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Sarah Liston. Sarah is a very interesting person. Sarah and I met when we were in 6th grade. We had three classes together which were music, gym, and lunch. We started being friends because of a mutual friend that we had. She introduced us during our music class. After that we were inseparable. We would sit next to each other everyday during class and we would always hold hands, hug each other, and give each other piggyback rides. We would always talk to each other and she would be a big support to me and I would support her and everything that she would do. Sarah was a very nice person but she would have her moments when she would be a little bit moody. As we kept on growing up we all started going through puberty. And she stopped talking to me in 7th grade and I was ok with that because she was going through some things and I like to respect what people's situations are. Well we didnt talk till like weeks after the first day of 7th grade and then we were together again as friends. 7th grade comes around and our relationship is still the same but we were a little distant because I started becoming even closer to Ariel. But Sarah was still a part of my life. Well 9th grade comes around and she would always talk about seeing me in school and running to me and giving me a hug because she misses me a lot. Well when we came back she indeed started wanting to become close and we began to talk almost everyday. I would be there and give her support when she was going through boy problems. Or should I say relationship problems. Her dealings with relationships have always been rather complicated. For example she would date one boy and they will break up with her and she will move on and find a new guy and date him but then she will fall back in love with her ex which makes the whole scene go rather bad. So I told her that I'm finally in a relationship and she would be like "OMG Alex I'm sooo happy for you" and she would support me and I told her that I was dating J.B and she was VERY supportive as if they were siblings or something. Well I found out that he and Sarah dated each other but it didnt last long because she developed feelings for Jason's best friend who is Noah. It left Jason very heartbroken but he decided to move on and then yeah the rest is history. But once I told her that, she decided to start talking to Jason again which I found very weird and suspicious. We all have our friend groups and I feel that friends are very important to each and everyone of us here on earth.

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