chapter 5

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The morning after, Annalia and Donovan got ready for school like each one had spent the night at their own house. They didn't see each other that morning until they were outside, getting into Daniel's sapphire-blue Mercedes, that Daniel would always leave their for Don to use in case Don's car would break down. Shortly after, they arrived at the campus, shared a kiss on the lips and went to their respective classes instead of hanging out with people like they used to. Although these people would swear on their balls that they cared about the hottest couple on campus, and although not dressed sexy, the most provocative and beautiful couple, they were really working toward tearing them apart, and without knowing their true intentions, they got fixed on staying away from them because these people were 'giving them bad advice and challenging their new beliefs'. Little did they know that was the best thing they could've done if they wanted their relationship to prosper, and if they didn't want to do things they would later regret?

In her creative-writing class, Annalia came to a realization. All these people were giving her bad advice, right? Day in and day out, every time they saw her on campus, they would tell her that it was the twenty-first century, the second decade of this one, to eat the forbidden fruit, stain Donovan's shirt and then throwing it out instead of washing it. Use him, spit him out, kick him back to your life, go as far away as you can and never see him again. In the meantime they were telling him not to take her seriously, not to even think about even starting a serious relationship with her, to let this be his first adventure, and then dump her because she was 'far too experienced' and older than he was and the marriage would never work. They would divorce within months, and the divorce would be their worst nightmare come true. Not only would he ruin his and her life if he went through with this madness, but he would also ruin the lives of his family and friends. Now that he wasn't innocent anymore, he would go crazy and start sleeping around. Then no woman would take him seriously or marry him, because all women would think he was a total asshole who didn't care about women at all. It would be a fiasco and it wouldn't end pretty. It would probably end in death, either because of a terrible disease or suicide—or murder. She figured out what her and Donovan's so-called friends were trying to do, get them to break up and abhor one another. Instead of just cutting them out of her life like she'd been doing for the past few weeks, she would take action. She wouldn't take reprisal against them in any way, just expose them as the true charlatans they were, prove to everyone that these people could not be trusted at all. After class, she blueprinted what she was going to do, having it all very clear in her head, and was ready to execute her plan.

The plan was simple. As simple as a damaging email. On the last fifteen minutes of her second class, she got her laptop back on the desktop after it was on standby for a few minutes, opened her email program, and composed a new email to everyone she knew in the school. She had audio clips of every conversation that she'd had with these traitors. This would leave no doubt in anyone's mind that while these people were being friendly and compassionate to you when you were with them, they would turn around and talk shit behind your back and try to ruin your reputation, not just for your time you studied at UCF, but forever, and you'd have to move out of the state to leave all that nonsense behind and start a new life. She couldn't allow them to keep doing this to her and her boyfriend or to do it to other people. She had to stop the snowball from becoming an avalanche that no one could control and would destroy everything in its path. She attached five of the audio clips, nine megabytes each because they were kind of long, but they were worth downloading and listening to.

Everyone was in for a shock when they got the email, 1,000 people, because that's the maximum amount her advanced email program would allow her to put in a chain email. Then she pressed send and she never got a notification that the mailer had failed to deliver the message. Only hours later, the whole school was talking about it, and then next morning, none of these backstabbers could pass by anyone without having them look at them dirty and whisper things in each other's ears or texting other people when they were alone. That left them wondering what the hell was going on. Rather than deleting the email from her sent-messages folder to protect herself, she left it in there because she wanted everyone to know that she sent it and it wasn't someone that hacked her account and sent the email pretending to be her. Hours after that, the whole world knew, even the idiots whose masks were taken off, that Annalia had sent the email and when they went to confront her, Donovan was standing by her side, like a statue, and everyone that surrounded them serving them as a shield was doing anything but standing there.

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