Chapter 2

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Bella's pov

Once we got home I stopped the car outside our house and I parked it into the driveway and then I turned it off and I took my belt off and as I did I smelt something I really didn't want to smell and I said mutts and Nessie said what momma and I said nothing sweetie momma has to get out of the car and deal with something can you stay inside please.

Then Nessie said ok momma I'll stay in the car and I said ok baby thank you and so then I opened the car door and I got out of the car and then I shut the car door and I turned around and looked into the woods and as I did I saw 9 boys and 1 girl walk out from the trees and I puffed and said dear lord help me now and then Jacob smiled at me and said hi Bella I didn't know you were back.

So I said yeah I'm back with Nessie and the reason you didn't know was because I didn't want you all to know and Sam said yeah well Bella it's a little hard to hide from us we can smell vampires from miles away and I said yeah that's what I hate about you mutts and then I heard growling so I growled back and I said hey I didn't mean anything by it its just every time I go near you all something bad happens like the last time.

Then Embry said yeah well that wasn't our fault Bella and you know that and I said yeah I know ok look I'm sorry for the way I'm acting it's just I want Nessie to be safe from trouble like what happened to her father and Paul said yeah we understand Bella and then Jacob said how has the pain been for her away and I said it's been sore but I've just always told her it was a stomach ache so Jake what about you how is your pain.

As I said that Jacob said oh you know same old same old and I said look I'm really sorry I left it was just that me and Nessie needed to start over and I mean I did offer you to come with and Jacob said yeah I understand why you left and I get it and Bella you know I couldn't have came with you even if I wanted to I needed to help with the pack and I said yeah I know.

Then Leah said so does she know the truth yet and I said no she doesn't not of the Cullen's or the imprint and as soon as I said that I heard a little voice say what truth momma and I gasped and turned around and as I did I saw my little angel standing behind me almost crying and I said oh baby you were meant to stay in the car and Nessie said what did she mean momma.

So then Leah said well your momma has lied to you all of this time Nessie and I looked at Leah and said shut up now and Nessie said no momma someone should tell me the truth and I said oh baby I wish you didn't have to find out this way and Nessie said find out what momma and I said well you father didn't die by a wolf killing him your father died in a war that me and the Cullen's and other vampires and the wolves were fighting in.

Then Nessie said so he died to save me and I said well yes and no and Nessie said what does that mean momma and I said well your father did die to save you but he wasn't fighting on our side and Nessie said so dadda changed to the bad side to keep me safe and I said yes sweetie he did and then Nessie started crying and she said I hate dadda now and I said no baby don't say that.

So then Nessie said well I do and what did that girl mean by imprint and I gulped and looked over to Jacob and said you tell her and Jacob said ok fine well Nessie us wolves do something called imprinting it's when we find our ever lasting true love and when you were a baby I imprinted on you and Nessie gasped and said as she started to get mad no but that's not fair I want to love and have fun like other kids my age and she ran away from us towards the house.

Then I said oh god I knew I shouldn't have told her this is all my fault and Quil said no Bella you were right to tell her because if you didn't you would have regretted it and I said yeah your right but what if she doesn't talk to me again and Seth said Nessie isn't like that she never had been she will always need your now and forever and I said yeah I suppose your right but now what and Jared said well either you or Jacob should go talk to her.

So then I looked at Jacob and I said you go talk to her and when she is in the mood bring her down to the reservation and then both Brady and Collin gasped and said your coming to the reservation with us auntie Bella and the reason they are calling me auntie Bella is because they are my adopted families kids and they have always thought of me as their auntie so I just let them call me it.

Then I smiled and said yeah I am I need to give Nessie time to calm down and I have no where else to go and Sam said ok Bella that's fine but you will not feed on our side of the boarder got it and I said yeah Sam I got it and then Sam said ok good and so then I looked at Jacob and I said tell her I'm so sorry and Jacob said sure Bella and he ran towards the house to see my Nessie and then me and the others from the pack all headed towards the reservation.

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