Chapter 10

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Bella's pov

Once I got to the end of the underworld I saw my sisters and their husbands chained to a wall and I saw Cole and some of his demons standing around them all so I ran into the section he was in and I shouted hey Belthazor why don't you pick on someone your own size and then Belthazor turned and looked at me and said well well well if it isn't the last charmed sister.

Then I looked over to my family and I saw my sisters and my brother in-laws turn to look at me and smile and I said hey sisters everyone ok and my sisters all said yeah Bella just waiting for a rescue and I laughed and said yeah I'll be there in just a minute and Piper said Bella how did you know and I said my kids Wyatt, Chris and Melinda came to forks and give me my memory back.

So then Phoebe said I always knew them kids took after you and I said yeah I know right and then Coop said Bella where is the kids and I said oh they are back home with my kids safe and sound and then Henry said oh dear Bella you shouldn't have said that and I said as I looked at the demons oh don't worry bro in-law the demons can't get to them there is a spell only I can break around the living room and my family laughed.

Then Leo said wow Bella your are smart and I said yeah I know and then I said Prue, Piper how are the babies and my sisters both said oh they are fine still kicking away and so then I laughed and looked at Cole and I said well give it you best shot Belthazor and then Cole said kill her now and then all of Cole's demons ran at me and started fighting.

So then I started fighting them back and after about an hour of fighting the demons where all dead and then I heard Cole gasp and I said wish them a good death Belthazor Cole and then I through the potion I made at him and then he blew up in flames and I started laughing as did my family then once I knew we were safe I clicked my fingers and the chains that were holding my family to the walls removed themselves.

Then my sisters and their husbands fell to the ground and them they stood up and they all ran over to me and hugged me and they all said thank you so much Bella and I said your welcome and then Paige said can we go home now and I said yeah we can I'll orb us home and so then everyone took hands and I orbed us all back to the manor.

So then when we got back to the manor we went inside the house and we went to the living room and I removed the shield from it and then the parents ran to their kids and the kids ran to their parents even mine ran to me and then everyone sat down and we all relaxed and were happy that we were finally safe and we lived as a family as we continued to fight off demons that would harm us.

The end.

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